[center][h2][color=gray][u] [color=39b54a]✣[/color] The Boss [color=39b54a]✣[/color] [/u] [img]https://s3.postimg.org/71ixzvbkj/image.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] [color=f7941d]“Hmmpf. Kill joy…”[/color] Whether Rufie would hear the words or not wasn’t really a concern of Dana’s, but the slap via dress really wasn’t appreciated. Rubbing her cheek where it had made its soft mark, she sat back with Blake clinging to her still and listened to what kind of excuse the Student President would make up for her this time. And honestly, it took most of her muscles and Blake’s to keep her from laughing aloud and further disrupting the crowd even more. Only when Rufie said her final piece and walked off the stage was the blonde girl right back to bouncing, running after the Student President. Of course, Blake still clung but that wasn’t much of an issue. [color=f7941d]“Oh ho, a thespian? Really? Wow, wow, and you call me the liar,”[/color] she snickered, making sure to keep two feet behind Rufie in case she wanted to turn and smack the both of them. [color=f7941d]“Ah, but the theater truly does call out for my black heart Rufie. And who’s to say my words weren’t really cries of remorse and desire. Ah, so romantic, ah, so spicy!”[/color] With those three gone, the general crowd had significantly lowered in energy and chaos. Boss turned her sights on some of the last few students still need in clearance, one of which looked rather regal and spoke of familiar authority. But before she could respond to Ramona, Hildr already had it covered, explaining both her room number and the policy on carrying around weapons. [color=fff79a]“So long as I don’t catch wind of it. Welcome to the Academy,”[/color] she said to the young Germanian and sending her off. The students would have a short interval before lunch time would gather them all together. It would take every moment of it to get through the mountains of paperwork Boss and Hildr would find in their offices after direction student traffic from orientation. [color=fff79a]“I feel like I need a break already,”[/color] she said to the other woman, already picking up on the yellow slice of paper sitting still in the pile. [color=fff79a]“Another notice of discipline…can’t be Dana or Blake. They’re both smart enough to not be caught. And even if they were, red is much more suiting for them,”[/color] she said, sitting at her desk and already getting to work tackling the mounds. [color=fff79a]“You might as well make yourself comfortable Hildr. Nothing big happens on the first day of school.”[/color]