"You know what I miss most about home?" Spencer started after nearly two hours of walking through the dense bush. He was walking just in front of me, I'd been getting irritated at him picking leaves off of the plants we passed, letting them fly back into my chest if they were particularly tough ones to rip off. Em snorted. "What? Your gaming? Or how about your collection of dolls?" "They're not dolls, they're models." Spencer retorted quickly. "No, none of that. They're basically meaningless. No, what I miss most, is school." "School?" Joe looked over his shoulder at Spencer with a raised eyebrow. "You miss school? Not mom or dad? Not home cooked meals? You're crazy." "Of course I miss mom and dad. And the food." Spencer's stomach grumbled as he ripped up another leaf and let it sprinkle to the ground. "But the normalcy of school. The routine. The only thing we had to worry about was homework, or getting detention." "Like you ever got detention," Nina said with a laugh. "I know what you mean, Spence." Em said from behind Joe. "It's something so trivial, I get it. Now look at what we're worrying about. Our lives, everyday. That's not something teenagers should have to think about."