Reia let out a low groan, her head in her arms. She had figured it would come to this--Jaakuna belting out a punch to someone. Anyone. She actually thought he would somehow end up punching Grant or Lorenzo, but nope, it had to have been the Maester. As she lifted her head, her fingers interlaced with one another. Desperate times called for desperate measures, sure, but right now the last thing they needed was a panic. She closed her eyes, trying to think. The Maester's opinion was usually shared with the rest of the clergy, which could only mean bad news. Lorenzo stirred, sitting up. "[color=darkorange]Don't tell Nadeline we're moving in! Huh...?[/color]" He had dozed off, to the surprise one. He looked at the fallen man, letting out a low whistle. "[color=darkorange]So I take it negotiations aren't going well?[/color]" "[color=turquoise]The fall of His Grace had an impact on the people greater than anticipated. They cannot see the big picture--and it doesn't help that a certain blonde has the temper of a Bagoly,[/color]" Reia stated, shaking her head at Jaakuna. "[color=turquoise]I had feared this would happen, moreso after His Highness Wesley's current condition.[/color]" "[color=darkorange]You better not be saying we should give up,[/color]" Lorenzo crossed his arms. Reia ignored him, though she looked straight at Jaakuna, a much more serious look on her face. "[color=turquoise]The time has come for 'Jaakuna' to have a seat while 'Prince Jackson' takes a stand. There is one solution to this issue, and you know it as well as I. This is not a problem that can be solved with fists, no matter your urge to have it so. Hamut made it clear that when the time was right, you would rule Archadia, and your country calls to you now,[/color]" She stated rather cooly. "[color=turquoise]If you want this plan of yours to work--if you want this unification to work, that requires equivalent exchange. To gain the trust of the Dalmascans, you would have to give something in return, to give them the head of the person that they want the most.[/color]" "[color=darkorange]You can't ask the kid to give up his own family![/color]" Lorenzo couldn't help but argue back. "[color=turquoise]People have done worse. People have done more. Nothing in this life is free--even the futile attempts to keep a crown,[/color]" She stated solemnly, clearly regretful of her own actions. "[color=turquoise]But that is the truth before us. Dalmasca demands the life of Judge Isaiah Darcone. What will you do?[/color]" [hr] "[color=coral]Couldn't have been more than a day or two? Maybe three? Honestly, I am not entirely sure,[/color]" She admitted wearily, letting out a sigh. No, this was a sign. "[color=coral]Perhaps this is the gods telling us that we should take our luck and return. Who am I kidding, this entire situation is...foolish.[/color]" What was it that Nadeline had hoped to accomplish? Why was she letting her emotions get the better of her? A poor princess she made, throwing all caution to the wind and simply parading about without thinking of the consequences. She shook her head, as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes. "[color=coral]There's nothing for us here. I'm sure I can retrace Aloa's magicks back to Rabanatre.[/color]" [hr] "[color=gray]This is uncomfortable,[/color]" Keiran grunted, visibly wincing. "[color=gray]You're quite talented. Truly, I shouldn't have left my guard down.[/color]" Well, wasn't that the understatement of the century! Emiri let out a whimper, causing Grant to widen his eyes. The way Keiran was acting, it was as if he was willingly dragging Emiri into this--no, wait, Jaakuna had said Keiran was under her beck and call. Were Cassandra's magicks running so deep that it was affecting the host as well? Now what? Should he draw his weapon? And bring the entirety of the Dalmascan guard on his head? No, he couldn't disrespect Wesley nor risk Nadeline's reputation. He was between a rock and a hard place. He could try his own deal of magicks, though he was severely lacking in light magicks, considering his of the arcane were in the complete opposite direction. That, and it could potentially strengthen Cassandra's bindings--or he could get Keiran hurt. No, he had to try to reason with her, she was clearly over emotional over her brother's state of being. "[color=pink]Please, don't,[/color]" Emiri would beat him to the punch as she tried to plead with Cassandra, shaking her head. "[color=pink]I swear, it wasn't my intention to offend you! I'll gladly take my leave if that's what you want! But war...that can't happen right now, none of our countries can handle it...we'd all fall to Zodiark if that was the case.[/color]" Grant inhaled slowly, exhaling as he would try to collect his thoughts. "[color=darkorchid]My lady, surely we can discuss this more peacefully?[/color]" He tried to negotiate Emiri's survival, at least. "[color=darkorchid]Your concerns do not fall on deaf ears. You have every right to be angry. But killing Keiran will get you nowhere.[/color]" Where the hell was Nadeline?! She was much better at negotiating--if a bit more on the cunning side.