[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE0Mi4xNmM4ZTkuVEdGMWNtVnVJRkpwWkdkbGQyRjUuMAAA/arellion.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MsjSacXMUUKbu/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Lauren looked over her shoulder at William seeing that look on his face, that face made her smirk ever so slightly she did know that she was right as Lauren looked back at Vera. The woman aside from her constant clumsiness, she wondered how Vera was still alive and how did she not fall down a flight of stairs at this point. Lauren stood up as William held out a hand over towards her, and then she accepted his hand as he pulled her up to him. Then Lauren looked at William as he made his comment, if she was younger and not married she'd probably make return a sassy comment. Then Vera stomped on the man's toe, that would probably hurt wincing slightly as Vera turned off to storm off, she was probably going to lay off some jokes as well. [color=cyan]"Smooth move there my friend."[/color] Lauren said softly with a slight smirk as she started to follow alongside Vera just in time to see the woman nearly knocking down the vase. This was what now the tenth time today that Lauren had seen Vera either trip herself over something. [color=cyan]"Nice catch."[/color] Lauren said as she approached Vera once more and leaned forward somewhat to get a better look at the vase.