[quote=@mattmanganon]Colour me interested in option 2. Are we going to be allowed to make our own episodes, or are you going to be the one making them? [/quote] I'd be laying the groundwork, but, within reason, it'd be a wee bit more sandboxy than point A-to-B. It'd be more like A-to-B through D. [quote=@Prince of Seraphs]I'm tentatively interested in option 2 as long as we're not drawing any inspiration from the Reboot franchise and our Klingons still look like Klingons rather than looking like Babylon 5's Drazi.[/quote] No and yes. [quote=@HueMan]Out of curiosity OP, so if we do roll with option 2 (or 1 for that matter I suppose) we'll be playing as the bridge crew and will need to fill out the positions? What happens if we have too much / too little players for all the roles and if people have conflicts about roles that would like to rp?[/quote] If there are too few, that's where the power of NPCs comes in, and if people have a conflict about roles then they'd best sort it out; PM or in thread is fine. Should have expected that no-one would go for the Klingons (I'm a Romulan fanperson myself, so the JJVerse was [b]not[/b] a good place for me, while Enterprise would have (should have) been great), which somewhat saddens me - I think a well written military Klingon RP could actually be quite fun, but I realise the diversity and general variety of options still remains with the Federation and their exploratory vessels. Humans gonna human after all.