[hider=Mark Theron Ability List Review][quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [b]Tiger Claw System[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A series of fast combination strikes that heavily favor the jab, cross, and hook, all of which can be made from either the normal fighting stance or [color=ed1c24][b]a mirrored stance.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](Mirrored, are you implying him copying another person's fighting stance, therefore, mirroring the other person or using opposite foot or arm, such as changing the leading foot? You want to avoid terms like these. You say this as though everyone is just going to "magically" know what you're talking about, and if I have to ask you to write up a nomenclature, specifically for your interpretation of words and phrases that's a NO GO. You should be able to easily say, this is what this move does in the most basic sense that anyone reading it will understand. I've participated in many, many, and I mean many text-fighting RPs to the point that I have "grown" out of it. The biggest issue that leads to people arguing is when one person cannot understand what the other person wrote, and instead of being humble about it, and explaining what he or she meant to that person, they refuse to. I don't want to find out that when you start fighting someone and that person gets confused that it's because you were overcomplicating simple actions and motions or making generic statements like the one you made here to describe what you "think" was obvious to the reader. I also don't want to see someone who goes off their own interpretation of your writing, writing something that had nothing to do with the actions your character had made because again he or she didn't understand what you wrote. Again, keep it simple.)[/b][/color] They are notable for being open hand blows with the fingers curled inward and striking with the more dangerous palm rather than the knuckles. Because they are open hand strikes, they are extremely effective at deflecting or grabbing. [b]Weakness:[/b] A conventional string of combos, they have only the most basic variance and rely upon their speed, rather than power, to create openings for heavier blows. Because they can be interchanged for deflection and are favored over blocking, a consistent assault can deny counter-attacks. [b]Roaring Palm[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A forward palm strike from the [color=ed1c24][b]strong side[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](I already talked to you about this one. I wouldn't even mention it because all it does is bring a person's attention to these words "strong side." Just don't even mention it because it really isn't important. You may think it is, but it's not, especially since I didn't add the "Handiness" section to the CS. Also, I doubt you're going to have your character ever attack with his "weak side" any way. Another reason why it's pointless.)[/b][/color] with fingers curled inward designed to breakthrough a conventional guard or shunt an opponent off of balance. Aimed at the face, it strikes at the nose. This technique is often the means to an opening after a series of conventional strikes, designed to create a weak point. The attack is generated from whichever side has the leg to the rear in order to create tremendous power. [b]Weakness:[/b] Predictable means of breaking a guard and relies heavily upon an opponent having a weak or weakened defense. [b]Red Fang Hand[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A powerful yet fast [color=ed1c24][b][u]open hand strike made with fingers slightly splayed then flexed and fixed[/u][/b][/color] [color=fff200][b] (Was "fingers curled like claws" really that hard to write? This is an example of overcomplicating simple actions. What you wrote didn't put any imagery in my head. It did nothing to explain what you were describing. The only way I knew what you were writing about was when you mentioned your character "slashing horizontally." That's when I thought claw-shape. It has to be.)[/b][/color] which are slashed horizontally against an exposed area and are raked to open a wound. This technique ends a combo and exploits a weak or undefended area, often the face or neck. [b]Weakness:[/b] Requires a vulnerable soft flesh point to be exposed and virtually ineffective against a well armored or defended target. [b]Rending Point[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [color=ed1c24][b]A vicious blade-like strike of the elbow made as a slash rather than an impact due to lightning speed[/b][/color]. [color=fff200][b](An elbow is not going to cut anybody. Unless you got a blade on the end or something sharp, it's not going to cut. Now, if you're trying to use friction. Friction still isn't cutting. Friction can generate heat, which heat will break bonds, but that's burning and still not cutting.)[/b][/color] Generated upward in direction, and coming from the entirety of the core, it can tear at flesh as easily as attacks like those of the tiger palm by using the natural point of the elbow. It doubles as a break attempt from a clinch or an attack in a grab which can allow for a counter-grab. [b]Weakness:[/b] A niche attack or counterattack that is extremely close range. Relies heavily upon an opponent intentionally trying to grapple a difficult to wrestle target or staying in a grapple. [b]Sweeping Blade Strike[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [color=ed1c24][b]A snap based knife-hand attack made from the leading side to sweep a defense at the wrists and forearms as well as strike at the side of the neck. It then proceeds into a reverse hand grab to the neck for a body throw or elbow to the face.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](This ability has like two abilities in it that could be separated. The ability should do one thing. This ability is either going to be a throw or it's going to be an elbow to the face. If you have to make a second ability for either, then do so.)[/b][/color] [b]Weakness:[/b] Characterized by telegraphing of [color=ed1c24][b]squaring up to one side and dropping the support hand to help generate momentum at the core.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]("squaring up" explain this. Don't explain it to me. Just write out exactly what's happening. Again, keep it simple. Dropping the support hand to generate momentum at the core...to do what? Finish the incomplete thought.)[/b][/color] [b]Hidden Double-Palm Technique[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A power maneuver derived of the system, it is designed to disable, topple, throw, and create distance by striking both tiger palms to the chest of the target just below the collar bone, driving the thumbs in to hit a pressure point, and [color=ed1c24][b]rasping[/b][/color] the body with the fingers while [color=ed1c24][b]pushing to tear and throw.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](If you are pushing the target back, then you can't be grasping them at the same time. If you are tearing at their flesh, then you are tearing at their flesh. If you are tearing at their flesh, and then grabbing them again to execute the throw, then this needs to be clearly stated in the description.)[/b][/color] [b]Weakness:[/b] Exclusively limited to following up a finishing strike in order to create distance. Cannot exploit the desired pressure point on a well armored target. [b]Blackout Counter[/b] [color=8dc73f][b](No Issue)[/b][/color] [b]Description:[/b] A maiming attack designed to capture a forward punch such as a jab or cross, wrapping the capturing arm around it, then extending the captured arm so as to strike the exposed, hyper-extended elbow with a support side palm. Generates tremendous amounts of pain through injury and excels at disarming armed opponents. [b]Weakness:[/b] Reliant on opponent using basic attacks or a melee weapon and having some sort of timing delay in place of speed. [b]Forced Rolling Throw[/b] [color=8dc73f][b](No Issue)[/b][/color] [b]Description:[/b] A hybrid technique that captures an extended arm or foot aimed high and rolling the attacker's body over in the opposite direction violently, twisting the captured limb and throwing the target to the ground. Both joint manipulation and a throw, it forces a decision to either move with the throw or risk serious injury to the joint. [b]Weakness:[/b] An attacker who moves with, not against, the momentum can roll through it and avoid the intended joint manipulation, as can a swift counter-attacker move into the grab to prevent being thrown. [b]Rear-Foot Sacrifice Throw[/b] [color=8dc73f][b](No Issue)[/b][/color] [b]Description:[/b] A capturing attack that grapples an opponent's outstretched arm, places a kick to the chest and rolls back to throw the opponent over while hyper-extending the controlled limb. This combination of attacking forward momentum and reverse defensive momentum slams the enemy into the ground behind the defender. [b]Weakness:[/b] Exploits a difference in size, agile and light opponents or those who go limp can easily roll with impact. Ends with both attacker and defender to the ground on their backs. [b]Fierce Impact Kick[/b] [color=8dc73f][b](No Issue)[/b][/color] [b]Description:[/b] An immensely powerful roundhouse kick aimed at the ribs of the target, just below the pit of the arm and striking with the shin. Designed to break down an opponent's defense and stun them to open them up for a devastating follow up. [b]Weakness:[/b] The twist of the body to generate power is distinct and any delay before allows for interruption of the kick through a block while a delay after allows the leg to be caught by the defender. [b]High-Low Block Kick[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A combination kick that is thrown high to the target's head whilst blocking low across the body with the strong hand and to the side with support hand. Unique in its execution due to the fact it appears to leave the balance on the support leg; a catch of the first leg [color=ed1c24][b]allows the second leg to be thrown in sacrifice to the now exposed defender to free the leg if the attacker desires.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](Is your character intending to attack with the second leg after the first one has been captured? If so, it needs to be stated. Throwing your only un-captured leg just throws your character's balance otherwise.)[/b][/color] [b]Weakness:[/b] A technique that relies upon its speed to actually connect to its target or, alternatively, the opponent falling for the feigned opening to occupy their hands. [color=fff200][b](It seems like you're also hoping for the opponent to catch the first leg. Otherwise, it seems like this technique would never happen since that was its main purpose. Oh, did you write that?)[/b][/color] [b]Black Claw Finish[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A lightning fast snap kick delivered by the foot to the groin, striking with the toes back and ball of foot forward. Lacking in deep power, [color=ed1c24][b]it is designed to disorient and delay through pain by speed.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](Huh? I would rewrite this. It just reads very ugly.)[/b][/color] The striking foot is then placed as the leading foot and a tiger palm strike is delivered full force to the exposed neck with the strong hand, incapacitating or potentially killing. [b]Weakness:[/b] A life or death simple combo relying on surprise and cheapness of shot, any target not affected by the kick can easily defend against the secondary attack. [b]Feigned Throat Finish[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [color=ed1c24][b]An attack led by the turning over of hands, it leads into a palm strike with the forward foot while moving.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](This reads very ugly. Please fix it. There is a simple way to write this. I know there is.)[/b][/color] Encouraging an attacker to grasp the outstretched hand which has rolled over, it quickly evolves into one of several finishing blows meant to connect with the neck. [color=ed1c24][b]All from the strong side that is not captured, the weakest of the trio, scaling in severity, is a simple palm strike to injure, a palm up spear-hand jab to disorient and cause pain compliance, or an inward hammer fist to the side of the neck or skull which can render unconscious or even kill through a mixture of nerve, blood, and oxygen interruption.[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](So...you're trying to be "selective" about what kind of ability this ability will be based on the situation? This finisher makes no sense. It's like you're trying to say, "If Bob does this, then I'll do that. But if he does this instead, then I'll do that." You can't put multiple abilities based on a case-by-case basis in one move. Otherwise, why does the abilities section even exist?)[/b][/color] [b]Weakness:[/b] Leads into no finish if the attacker does not take the feigned attack and has scaling severity; most effective against inexperience melee combatants or life and death situations. [b]Unleashed Rage[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A frenzy of wildly mixed horizontal and vertical hooking slashes delivered only in zoanthrope form that tear through defenses. The attacks are delivered as part of a relentless advance, usually to corner or carve through a target foolish enough [color=ed1c24][b]to stand[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b](does it matter if they were standing, crouching, sitting, or lying down? Or is it only effective against standing characters?)[/b][/color] and allow a finishing strike. Such speed and violent force burns away the drive to sustain the beast form, causing it to end when the flurry does. [b]Weakness:[/b] The assault relies upon an opponent attempting to weather it, rather than simply fading out until the frenzy subsides. Significantly less effective if the target cannot be cornered or somehow forced to endure the blows. Ends the zoanthrope form automatically. [color=fff200][b](Based on what you wrote, it seems like a character can simply crouch and avoid the entire string of moves all together.)[/b][/color][/quote][/hider]