[Universe 1] If the Doctor had more time, he would have given Van Statten a harsh talking to. The idiot still wanted the Dalek alive not carrying that so many people have died already and that so many more will die if they don’t take care of the Dalek. Dashing up the stairs, the Doctor didn’t wait to see if the others kept up. The quicker they could lock the place down the better. As it was the Dalek had already syphoned most of the power off from the base when it had attempted to search the internet and all incoming signals for messages from anything Dalek. At the Assistant’s suggestion, they continued past Level 35, with the intent to seal the whole thing off. As they continued up the stairs, reports came back that civilians were trapped. “Jen!” The Doctor called out as she turned and dashed back down. She was going to herself killed. He would have headed after her but Van Statten blocked his way. “We need to have everything ready to seal off otherwise the creature will escape.” He stated. Realizing he was right the Doctor turned and glared at him. “Anything happens to her and I’m holding you fully responsible!” He declared dashing back up the stairs. Reaching Level 51, the Doctor and the others found the command post and started to get the place ready to shut down the vault. “We only have power for one time so we need to make it count.” The Doctor said, knowing they had to get the civilians out but keep the Dalek in. Worse comes to worse, he would have to seal in anyone left to avoid having the Dalek escape. “What if we try to reason with it?” Van Statten asked looking over at the Doctor. “It is sentient, right?” He inquired. The Doctor looked over at him. “What’s the closest town?” He asked. “Salt Lake City.” Van Statten replied a bit confused at the change of subject. “Population?” The Doctor waited for the man to reply before quickly snapping. “All dead.” The humans looked at him as if he was crazy. “But it’s just one Dalek.” The assistant said a bit ashen. “That’s all that is needed.” The Doctor said turning and looking at the computer. “Alright, what’s the access codes?” He demanded. “Let me.” Van Statten said coming over and sitting down. Quickly entering the information he grinned. “I haven’t had this much fun in ages.” The Doctor glared over at him disgusted. People were dying and he thought this whole thing was a game. When the walkie-talkie came alive with Jen’s voice, the Doctor snatched it away from the guard and spoke into it as Van Statten got the monitor up. “Hurry.” He ordered. “We have to close the vault so it can’t escape. You need to get to Level 51 before we do. Otherwise, you will be trapped.” “She’s not going to make it.” Van Statten declared watching as the Dalek closed in. “We have to close the vault.” “In a minute.” The Doctor snapped. Watching the screen, he willed for Jen to go faster. Holding up the walkie-talkie he spoke. “Jen, you need to hurry. We have to close the bulkhead doors.” He paused. “We can’t wait much longer.” “I have power to the bulkheads.” Van Statten declared. “But it’s quickly going critical. It is either now or never.” Watching them come around the bend and head toward the next level the Doctor hesitated. “Doctor!” Van Statten yelled, worry for his own life causing him to start panicking as the Dalek started closing in. “I’m sorry.” The Doctor whispered hitting the button. The massive bulkheads slowly started to close. For a second it looked as if she was going to make it and then the kid pushed her aside in attempt to make it himself, sealing her behind with the Dalek. Slamming the walkie-talkie down the Doctor hit the desk, ignoring the pain. When Jen spoke over the walkie-talkie he quickly snatched it up. But before she could finish or he could say anything the Dalek screamed exterminate and cut the feeds. Both the walkie-talkie and the video monitor hissed with static but nothing else. The Doctor shook his head. “She was my responsibility.” He declared. “I brought her into this mess and I should have taken care of her.” He brushed off the assistant’s attempt at comfort and glared at Van Statten. “You and your precious toy.” He snarled. “I hope you’re happy.” He shook his head and turned to walk off. “I’m sorry.” Van Statten said looking down. “I just wanted my collection…" “Your collection?” The Doctor spun around cutting him off. “Let me tell you something Mr. Van Statten. One day humanity travels to the stars. They colonize new worlds and meet new species. In such a short time, humans become a major galactic player forming a great space empire.” He shook his head. “They were part of something.” “I just wanted to touch the stars.” Van Statten replied. “More like drag them to earth and bury them beneath piles of dirt and concrete.” The Doctor shot back. He sighed, the weight of his long years pulling heavy on him. He had failed her. Just like he had failed his own people. --- [Universe 2] Following after the Doctor, Summer tried to keep up. She wasn’t too sure what they were looking for but the Doctor seemed to have an idea. When he let go of her hand and dashed off, Summer wondered if she was going to lose him. For the second time in the past two days she frowned at the long dress. Already she had almost tripped a few times and now she might lose the Doctor…again. Thankfully, he had paused to let her catch up. Reaching the theatre that they were at she frowned as he looked around. What had the theatre have to do with any of this? Was it tied into the plays and Shakespeare? Speaking of which…she refrained a sigh as he caught up and came up beside them. Thankfully, he didn’t give her much attention though it could have been because the Doctor started asking him questions right away. When Shakespeare mentioned the architecture was in Bedlam she exchanged a look with the Doctor. She wasn’t really sure what that was but apparently the Doctor did. Calling for them to follow he once again took off. “Quite an interesting friend you have.” Shakespeare stated before Summer could take off. “Is he always like this?” “You have no idea.” Summer replied looking at him. Afraid she would now not be able to catch up with the Doctor she swallowed her pride and glanced back at Shakespeare. “What is Bedlam?” She inquired. “It’s a madhouse.” He replied. “The insane go there.” Turning he handed a copy of his script to one of the actors who had come out to see what was going on. “Copy these and memorize it.” He ordered. “Make it sharp. The queen might show and we want to be prepared.” He looked over at Summer only to see she had taken off again. As soon as Shakespeare had replied, Summer shook her head. Why was she not surprised? Not waiting around for him she took off after the Doctor. However, it didn’t take long before Shakespeare was back up next to her, his long legs unhindered by the confining of a dress. “So, tell me what is it like where you come from?” He inquired. “Different.” Summer replied not really wanting to talk about herself and not sure how to state it without giving away the fact they were time travelers. “How so?” Shakespeare asked persistently. “Are all the women as lovely as you?” That stopped her. She looked over at him. “Aren’t you married?” She inquired remembering something about it from history. Shakespeare gave a grin. “Alas she is in the country while we are here in town.” He stated. “Besides, I’m just making conversation.” He replied innocently. “Unless of course you want more…” Resisting the urge to slap him Summer turned coldly and continued on. “My apologies,” Shakespeare said coming up after her. “I meant no insult. I’m just stating how much I admire...” “Doctor.” Summer said cutting the man off and going over to where the Doctor stood waiting. Looping her arm through his she gave him a smile, though part of it was more to get Shakespeare to shut up. Spotting the hospital, her smile quickly faded. “Is this the place?” She inquired, the cries in the night sending shivers down her spine. Following the Doctor inside she winced as the bailiff or keeper suggested wiping a few people for entertainment. Thankfully, the Doctor turned him down but she wondered again how different everything was for her time. At least here. In the future prisoners were not tortured for amusement despite what some people might think. Keeping close to the Doctor, she followed the keeper down the hall to find the man they were searching for. She hoped that Shakespeare would back off and for the moment he seemed content to do so. He was not at all anything she expected. Coming to a cell, the Keeper stepped aside so they could enter. “Call when you need to leave.” He said locking it behind them. Summer stared down at the poor man huddled in the corner. He was in rags and he looked thin but what really concerned her was the terror she could see in the way he was rolled up and on the bit of the face she could see. Whatever happened to this man, it had scared the dickens out of him. She looked over at the Doctor. “Can we help him?” She asked not wanting to see him remain like this.