[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi43MjY5NjkuVjJsc2MyOXVJRU5vWVcxaVpYSnouMAAAAA,,/go-2-old-western.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjcyNjk2OS5WR2hsSUVkMWJuTnNhVzVuWlhJLC4xAAA,/bilbo.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lDFSzL6.jpg[/img][/center] [center][hider=Reference][img]http://i.imgur.com/63cq5zZ.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Character Theme][youtube]https://youtu.be/nOr0na6mKJQ[/youtube][/hider][/center] [center][h3][color=gray]5'11"[/color] | [color=gray]Black[/color] | [color=gray]Blue[/color] | [color=gray]Athletic[/color][/h3][/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5RbUZqYTJkeWIzVnVaQSwsLjAAAAAAAAAA/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] The Chambers family line bears an old and ancient blood, and an old and ancient custom. They have hunted demons; devils; monsters—whatever the world wants to call them—they have hunted them for years and every member of the family has baffled the minds of humans and the supernatural alike. They are Gunslingers. Before then, they were Bowmen. Before then, they were Slingers. Gunslingers carry the blood of an excelled marksman and sharpshooter. They have sharp eyesight, hearing, smell, taste and reaction time; and are far from precise with their aim. The quick draw specialists are accurate. Capable of wielding any projectile with deadly grace, the Gunslingers in combat are not individuals any creature would want to pick a fight with. They each have their own ethics and goal, but when put up against each other, they are nearly deadlocked. Individual skill is what separates each one. Wilson does not shoot with his eyes or his mind, but his soul. The spiritual energy that surrounds him is greater than that of an average human, and so potent that he can wield it as a weapon. His soul is just as dangerous able to leave his body and traverse one realm into the next, spilling the blood further. If devils, spirits, and monsters thought that they were safe in another dimension, they got another thing coming. Wilson was born to Kirk and Helena Chambers. As a baby, he was branded with the mark of the Gunslinger, an almond-shaped eye, the eye of the eagle that was burned into the back of his hand. His training began long before he was allowed to wield a gun. He had to run, climb, swim, and survive. He had to break his body, fighting his father and the other Gunslingers. He sometimes went for days without sleeping, living in the wilderness where anyone or anything could kill him. The Gunslingers worked him until he broke mentally and physically. He denounced the family name. He tried to flee across the world to get away from his oppressive family. No matter how far he ran. No matter how well he thought he could hide. They always found him and dragged him back. Where? To Winslow, Arizona. His training continued, his spirit pulled thin. He wanted them to kill him, and they did—well, at least he thought he did. His own father, Kirk, had put a revolver to his forehead and pulled the trigger. Darkness enveloped his eyes. He didn’t see God; The Devil; Heaven; or Hell. In fact, he woke up lying exactly where they had left him. On his chest was a heavy object. On his chest was a gun. Wilson took the revolver and sought out his father. He traveled to the Grand Canyon and found him at the bottom waiting for him. Wilson, angered by how he was treated his entire life, aimed the revolver at his father. His father drew his own gun, his draw faster than what Wilson had even seen. Kirk shot his son before he could pull the trigger—again in the face. Wilson awoke later. It was night and his father had a fire going. Desperately, Wilson tried to reach for his gun and was shot again. In the morning, his father was still by the camp, drinking coffee. A sandwich wrapped in foil was on Wilson’s chest this time. A sandwich his mother had made. Kirk encouraged him to eat for he had been unconscious so many times that his body would need strength. Grudgingly, Wilson ate and after, he attempted to lead his father into a false sense of security. He sat by the fire and made some small talk, asking his Pa what he had done all day while he was dead. Kirk told him: hike, hunt, return to the surface to go shopping for some food…as much as it angered Wilson to know that he had time to do these things while his son was on the ground, he had distracted him. Wilson dove for his revolver, sliding across the dirt and aimed it at his father. He squeezed the trigger. The revolver answered with a hollow click…no bullets. Kirk shot him. In the canyon, Wilson had to learn the hardest skill anyone could ever learn and that was to not shoot physically or mentally. In the canyon, Wilson eventually bested his father. He learned that Kirk had control over the power of his gun and only had been shooting Wilson with low doses of his spirit. It wasn’t guns that killed things. It was people. In the canyon, Wilson became a Gunslinger. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5TR0YwLjAAAAAAAAAA/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] Wilson’s hat isn’t just for looks. It’s a deadly weapon that can be thrown like a boomerang, slicing down demons in its path of travel. When the hat returns to him, Wilson will flick the blood from its rim and return it to his head. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5SR1Z6Y0dWeVlXUnZJQ1lnVDNWMGJHRjMuMAAAAAAAAAAA/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] Desperado and Outlaw are the name of his twin revolvers of destruction. They are clipless for he shoots with his soul. The power of the rounds are determined by the strength of his spirit, ie. how long he wishes to charge up the spiritual potential. When Wilson shoots, the rounds can be as destructive as a field artillery shell. The guns are strong enough to block blades magical or normal for they are quite uncanny themselves. The Chambers have been using their techniques to keep the demons, and sometimes even angels where they belong for years. There are just certain realms you don't go trespassing into. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5VMnRwYkd4ei4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] [indent][u]Extraordinary Marksman[/u]: Do I need to elaborate? Wilson’s entire CS has been about how killer of a shot he is. [u]Mixed Martial Arts[/u]: Wilson had to learn how to fight before he was allowed to even touch a gun. He grew up fighting his family who are a mixture of several Gunslingers from several different backgrounds. It wasn’t easy, but it toughened his body to the extraordinary levels it’s at currently. Wilson knows a special martial art that involves countering using his guns in a Gun-Fu/Gun Kata sort of fashion.[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5RV0pwYkdsMGFXVnouMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] [indent][u]Transcended Human[/u]: This is the part that gets people’s mouths dropping. The Gunslinger’s bloodline is full of surprises. As a transcendent, Wilson can perform stunts no normal humans can perform, but as far as anyone can tell, he is a normal human. He can punt a car into the sky, walk along vertical surfaces, and leap great bounds. He can even hover in the air for a lengthy period, raining hell down on his enemies. He is simply what is called a “Bad Ass.” His willpower is indomitable not by sickness, not by disease, parasites, toxins, etc. So how do you kill a human of this caliber, you ask? With a lot of power or a lot of friends. He can tank damage as though there’s some invisible health bar people just can’t see. He recovers his health by resting, and when he isn’t actively killing devils and monsters, he kicks up his feet, tips his hat, and has himself a nap. [u]Spirit Power[/u]: Wilson’s soul is a weapon. His training was to raise him beyond his physical and mental being—to transcend himself and by doing so, he has harnessed the power to make his spirit into a deadly force. His guns have no physical rounds for he does not shoot with his eyes or his mind. He can cross between realms, similar to astral projection and scope out areas not accessible to those on the physical plane, and mind you, he takes his guns with him. He can project his spirit as a weapon on the battlefield. His eyes will go completely white when his soul isn’t in his body, and both will fight back to back, mowing down hordes of demons. Wilson isn’t at all worried about being possessed because possessing him is the last thing the demon wants to do. Did it really think it would be safe inside him? He would simply shoot the fucker in the face. [u]Ghost Whisperer[/u]: He can see them. He can hear them. He can talk to them and some of them are his friends. They can be very helpful telling him what happened at a crime scene. Those unable to see spirits will more than likely think he’s talking to himself. Ghosts are the best sources at telling him where devils and other monsters are hiding. Wilson will at times be doing those spirits a service, granting them vengeance so their souls can rest in peace. They can help him open locked doors, windows, or distract enemies.[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI0LjcyNjk2OS5UM1JvWlhJLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] Wilson Chambers is a tribute to my favorite book series “The Dark Tower Series” by Stephen King not that horrible cinematic knock-off that was absolutely NOTHING like the books. Therefore, you may have read some small references to the series in his profile. I made him human because who doesn’t like a powerful underdog? No; angel/demon/vampire/phoenix/werewolf. Just pure bad-ass human. Yay humanity! So please don't try to pull the "humans can't do that" in a fantasy game with demons, angels, and what ever else designed to be a high-octane battleground for bad ass character concepts (psst! like this one). You'll just look ridiculous.