[center][h1][color=686F91]Harry Walsh[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d03fc8a9229db3193e86bfc3b3c8b536/tumblr_nkhkysMc5r1uokpato5_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=686F91]Location:[/color][/b] Qasr El Nil Barracks[/center][hr] Harry couldn't help it as his cheeks turned a light shade of red feeling Aziza's lips against them. He chuckled softly, shaking off the feeling as she leaned back and moved to stand. He looked back up towards her as she spoke again, letting out another chuckle as she teased him, before moving to stand himself, adjusting his jacket momentarily as he looked over at her. [b][color=686F91]"Well, I wouldn't be very gentlemanly if I kept making you thank me, would I?"[/color][/b] He grinned, watching her closely as he listened to her speak again, hands clasped once more behind his back. Shrugging his shoulders, he shook his head. [b][color=686F91]"Of course not, I'd be happy to escort you back."[/color][/b] He paused momentarily as she suggested he may wish to change his clothing, realizing he had not actually been home since he left for the club the night before. [b][color=686F91]"Come to think of it, I should probably grab some things myself, though I'm afraid my place isn't exactly on the way to the hotel..."[/color][/b] He considered possibly getting a car to take him by later, he didn't want to be dragging Aziza around the city. Besides, he figured that it probably wasn't entirely appropriate for him to bring her to his place anyway. The 'good conduct' of lords and ladies like the ones he had been hanging around recently seemed to be rubbing off, it almost made him shudder. He did pause momentarily as he heard her words trail off, raising an eyebrow as he let his curiosity get the better of him. [b][color=686F91]"Drahl?"[/color][/b] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FFE2AA]William Drake[/color][/h1] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/ff46ab5f5f3b663db052ad5d797359c6/tumblr_o23ey3NKbE1qdhps7o3_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=FFE2AA]Location:[/color][/b] The Egyptian Museum[/center][hr] Smirking as he looked down at Vera, feeling her lightly press against him, he had to stifle a groan as he felt her heel slam down on his toe. He appreciated the thickness of his boots for cushioning the blow somewhat, but she had hit hard, and a numb pain was starting to rise up in his toe as he watched her go, luckily able to feign ignorance to the pain as he kept a smile on his face, eyes following her. He forced himself not to laugh again as she almost knocked over another vase, tucking his hands into his pockets as he followed after her. He was far more relaxed now. Though it was probably not the most healthy of relationships, William enjoyed riling Vera up, she had a kind of fire when she was irritated by him, always displaying her intelligence by trying to find the most cunning or dramatic way to make him eat his words, or just resorting to violence when that didn't work. The way she got even clumsier somehow when she was angry, and he dared to say even more attractive. Yes, definitely - there was a stronger sort of attraction William held for Vera when she was like this, almost enjoying her aggression towards him. He appreciated that Vera held herself highly, she wouldn't give in to his jabs and jives, and would outwardly throw them back in his face. It was charming, in a strange, horribly uncouth sort of way. Clearing his throat as he saw fit to even better ruin Vera's failed 'grand exit' - William moved over to stroll right past. [b][color=FFE2AA]"Come now, Vera, don't want your obsession with me to cost the museum any more money in damages."[/color][/b] He smirked, continuing down the hall past Vera and Lauren, toward Vera's office.