[@Ceta de Cloyes] [u][b]6:30 AM, Burnley, Gotham[/b][/u] It was fairly obvious that Clayton didn't buy that it was 'nothing' or just the runes that Tommy experimented with, if the slight frown on the big man's lips was any indication. He looked down at at his son for a long moment, then, with a nod he gave the boy's shoulder a light squeeze before he reached across the table to pull his own plate over. "Tell me when you're ready. You're getting near to being a man now, you can fight your own battles. A man knows when to ask for help though, alright? Ain't any shame asking for advice." He resumed his breakfast, carving off a good chunk of pancake and chewing busily. Tommy was still young, but his talent with magic was already impressive, and even The Master had been impressed with his skill at spellbinding. They'd both agreed that he would go on to do great things for the world. That said, Tommy [i]was[/i] still a teenager, and had a lot of growing to do before he was ready to start playing the supernatural detective like his father and the rest of The Master's students on his own. "This weekend, probably. Bodies going missing from the morgue again. Probably some kid at GCU with a grudge trying to make a flesh golem." Early on in his career, Clayton had come to know and loathe Gotham City University as the source of just under half of his late-night strolls. The campus boasted the largest collection of occult works in the United States, at least on the mortal plane of it, and while most of the student body dismissed it as hocus pocus, there were always three or four kids obsessed with it, and it almost always came down to settling grudge with other student. Think your boyfriend or girlfriend was cheating on you? Send a big hex their way. Your sociology teacher taking their anger out on your grades because you dared to have a different opinion from them? Send a ghost to go torment them at home. This would have normally been harmless, the sort of thing that could easily be explained away by rational people and which Clayton could solve with a stern talking-to with the dumb kid who'd gone screwing around with magic. The problem with GCU, though, was that the students always seemed to insist on using the [i]really[/i] big books, the ones way too advance for casual readers, where one wrong word would either result in the spell having absolutely no effect or summoning something hilariously beyond their control. That was when Clayton had to take more drastic steps. "Still early, so I doubt they'll have made much progress. I'll let you do most of the fun stuff when we find them." Clayton said with a smirk, knowing Tommy would love the sound of that.