A young individual started to listen to the opening speech which some guy called Kaiba was holding. “I have beaten you plenty of times in my games. I don’t think I need to beat you in real life…” SJ said, the scarf covering her voice and hoping that nobody would catch her. She immediately left after the opening speech to go to her assigned room, ignoring most people who wanted to approach her since she had a streaming schedule to keep up. She actually forgot to announce this tournament, as it was rather sudden, and after a pretty long elevator ride, she unpacked her streaming gear. It consisted of her laptop and some cables to connect to her handheld, with the streaming software on her laptop booting up in the background as she set everything up. She wanted to start right on time and not be late for her usual schedule. “Silver Joker here, I’m here at Kaiba world for some tournament. I’m sad to say I won’t be able to stream for a while,” SJ typed out after the audience started to flow in. “This might be my last stream for a while, though while I’m here I might be able to get on again on rare occasions.” SJ had typed out in the chat, booting up the latest duel monsters game to practice. “Sorry if this isn't the usual stream, I just need to practice. This is a tournament after all,” Silver Joker responded to questions to why she isn’t doing her usual old school arcade game stream as time went on. Questions poured in on how well she’d do at the tournament, to which she put up an honest answer. “You guys know what decks I run, I highly doubt I’ll get THAT far but I think I’ll do well enough.” The stream continued with occasional suggestions to improve her decks, to which she responded with “I appreciate the offer but no thanks, it wouldn't be my deck if I didn't build it myself.” Most viewers were satisfied with SJ’s response, though one viewer kept giving ‘suggestions’ and at some point, SJ responded rather bluntly “I’ll change my deck when YOU beat my high scores in the arcades,” then linked said viewer to the list of high scores she holds and timed him/her out for 30 minutes.