[u]~8:16 PM The Wilderness of Hope Springs, West Virginia November 4th, 2019[/u] [h3]The Wanderer[/h3] [hr] Not waiting for a response, as he doubted whatever manner of beast had caused this would stick around for long, he began to move forward towards the man lying unconscious before him, then took notice to some of the contents of his truck. Even from where he was standing, he could see several firearms, a few of which that were definitely not covered by hunting licences. [i]Ah, Poacher.[/i] He thought to himself, a slight snarl forming in his lip as a look of disgust spread across his face, his brow furrowing once more. Just as he was about to continue hiking and leave nature to determine this man's fate, he heard a sound he was familiar with, the snapping of wood as a tree fell. He turned towards the source of the sound, expecting to see another tree fall. However he was surprised, to say the least, to see that rather than a crumbling tree, an opening forming in a tree's base, with a fairly large being stepping from it. Shawn watched with a look of near childlike wonder as the being stretched his fingers, displaying a face Shawn had seen many times before, pleasure. As the being introduced himself, Shawn felt a wave of Euphoria as the pills he had taken moments ago began to take hold, and despite the bizarre scene taking place before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of bliss and comfort. As the Vine Stalker raised the truck and apparent poacher, Shawn's eyes never strayed from the man in front of him, and approached him in awe, and didn't stop to think as words came from his mouth. "You're breathtaking." [@Bluetommy]