The overwhelming ferocity overtook Tharraleos before a coherent thought could even be conjured. How he was placed in such a disadvantageous predicament so swiftly was beyond comprehension. His senses were basically jammed and the only limbs to alleviate the intense asphyxiation were currently embedded within the tail of this foul creature. Even his own feline tail with its length of twenty feet was just barely out of range to provide assistance. Things weren't looking good for the mutated warrior, to say the least. Within mere moments his own resistance gradually waned more and more. Soon the Manga Pater would find the immense form in its grasp grow limp and unresponsive. As his consciousness began fading, Tharr evaluated his situation. Was this really how things were to end for him? Helplessly strangled to death by a grotesque monster in this dammed swamp. It made some sense though, albeit irrational. Something was bound to best him in such a manner after five millennia. But as he began to accept his fate, a swift reminder snapped him from such. He was a shining example of what his kind were truly capable of. Entire nations had once buckled under his sheer might alone, and now here he was dying a pitiful death. This wouldn't do. "[i]I am Tharraleos[/i]!" he shouted within his mind. "[i]I am the proud vestige of the Aerasginero[/i]!" "[i]No mere, simple creature shall conquer my might[/i]!" [Pride Reserve + 3] Under his closed eyelids, the yellow of his irises momentarily flashed purple in color with each sentence spoke. This was the other variation of power that was able to be stored within him for further use. Battle and vanity were the things that empowered him in the most literal of senses and it was quite evident now was the time to capitalize on them. But as he went to unleash his Reserves, something snapped, literally. The unending and increasingly tightening grip of the Primal Nightmare broke through his defenses enough to sever the spinal cord. Instantly, the Griffintaur's body slumped onto the muddy ground, any remaining resistance being completely halted. Remnants of his subconscious prevailed, but would soon follow suit and the being known as Tharraleos would no longer exist in the living realm. [@Doc Doctor]