Rhee let out a yawn, his shoulders slouched and hair messy. His feet scuffled along the path, kicking up dust and pebbles. He hadn't even had the energy yet to tie his hair up or change out of Lilu's clothes. Well, it wasn't like he really cared. He had given up fighting with Lilu over her wardrobe a long time ago, and resigned himself to her long skirts and skinny jeans as comfortably as he could. His own clothes were already inside his satchel, though his sister's clothes took up most of the space. He sighed. How cruel of her, taking over all of their packing, then tiring out his body the night before, then leaving him to drag this heavy sack all the way into the city. [i]Just you wait, Lilu... I'm going to get back at you for this... As soon as I wake up.[/i] he thought to himself. But there was no response from inside his head, so he could only assume she was sleeping. Oh well, she'd wake up sooner or later. He had actually been very surprised when they received their letters. Usually when people wrote to them, it was addressed to both of them. That was practical, one of them would see it sooner or later, but it was very unusual that both of them had been invited. Well, it was like they could be split up, but if any important government opportunity had rolled their way, he would have assumed it be for Lilu. She was the smart one, after all. What on earth would the council want with a pyrokinetic who couldn't even read? Much less want him on a super secret mission to the outside world. Almost sleepwalking into the government building and through the halls, Rhee finally was jolted awake when he slipped in the high heels and fell, sprawling out on the floor. Groaning in pain, it seemed that the shock of the impact had awoken his sister as well. [i]Ow! Watch were you're going, Rhee! Those shoes were expensive![/i] came a rather harsh voice. Rhee grunted in response, shakily standing up. "Sorry, sis. But are you sure these boots are exactly... Practical?" he asked aloud. [i]Practical, smactical! A girl has to look her best, especially when something important like this comes up. Where the heck are we, anyways?[/i] Steadying himself, Rhee noted the long, fleeting staircase before them. Taking the map he had drawn from his sister's directions out from his skirt pocket, it looked like they were supposed to go down them. "Looks like we're almost there. Good thing you drew this map, the signs here are so stupid looking." he told her. She couldn't see or hear the outside world from inside his head. Neither could he when she was in control. They were codependent on each other when they were 'faded out'. [i]Well I wouldn't have had to draw the map if a certain somebody had stopped being such a twerp in elementary school! Now, hurry up! I don't want to look bad because you can't get anywhere on time![/i] she snapped back at him, forcing his mind back to the task at hand. Being careful not to fall down the stairs, he soon arrived in front of the plain, metal door, seemingly out of place inside the gleaming and elaborate capitol building. Taking a deep breath, he pushed forwards, opening the door. He was met by the sight of two rather excited persons hugging and speaking far too quickly for his sleepy ears to catch. Staring in silence for a moment, he then bowed his head in apology. "Sorry, this must be the wrong room." he said, embarrassed, closing the door and standing outside. [i]Hey, Rhee, what's going on? Tell me what happened![/i] "Nothing Lilu, nothing children should be concerned with.