[color=FF7F50]"Ya sound pretty ballsy, kid. Smart thing would be gettin' back on the platform,"[/color] Koda huffed at the girl’s words, was he missing something else now? Were they all going or not? Was the train the important bit or the dying? Or was there really an option to leave? Not that he’d take it but, it just seemed… unlikely anyone was escaping this mess, [color=FF7F50]"but that's ya call to make. Just like s'mine and, uh, whoever this dude is. Who are ya, anyways?"[/color] [color=#d5c7b1]”I’m Koda, nobody is really getting out of this are they?”[/color] He asked skeptically, he certainly didn’t think that was in the cards anymore. Koda’s attention had split once he’d clambered down onto the tracks, but it wasn’t the platform he was watching closest, rather the direction the train would come from when it- well, this really was a terrible idea, really he should just go home and get a bunch of equipment and take a fuck ton of readings all over this place then go sit safe and sound in his lab back at Talos. He wasn’t going to do that though, even if his nerves and indecision were bleeding through in the way his eyes flickered just a bit too quickly and his fingers tapped along his crossed arms anxiously. Tabitha’s question pulled his eyes back to the platform though; what [i]was[/i] going on up there? [color=#d5c7b1]”Er I’m thinking a lot of things, but it wasn’t really about them- is that a gun?”[/color] How did he not consider the police officer in their midst- how did he not consider there might be other armed loonies in the station, this was totally a situation loonies would be drawn to- and he would know, he was pretty sure he was one of them now. That said, he wasn’t the kind of loony who wandered around with weapons on his person, he was actually rather anti-violence so the whole… thing, that went down in very short, very violent, order, was not helping his nerves in the least- the fact that someone- or a couple someones, might actually be dead over… this, whatever this was. “Dude,” he muttered, wincing in sympathy at the cop who fell onto the tracks. He wasn’t the only one to approach the downed man, a red headed girl hurry to help him too, even going so far as to mess up her skirt and press it against the wound. In comparison to her usefulness Koda simply hovered nearby a little concerned over what to do. [color=ff4500]"You have to get up!"[/color] The girl said, frantic, [color=ff4500]"The train is almost here!"[/color] Like that was going to help, no way were either of them getting off the tracks in time now. [color=#d5c7b1]”Here,”[/color] he cut in, [color=#d5c7b1]”let me,”[/color] he offered, kneeling down next to the cop. He didn’t really know what to do, but he had some training with treating injuries, though usually those were chemical related, or minor cuts, not something so serious, and he didn’t have a med-kit on him or anything but at least he was stronger than the girl and could put more pressure on the wound, maybe that would be enough to keep him alive until the train came and the Ghost Girl did her thing. … he really had no idea what he was doing did he? His mom was going to freak, and Kenan’s birthday- oh right, pressure on the wound, try not to think about infectious diseases he could be getting from the blood on his fingers. Too bad he wasn’t working on that Mo-Fern project anymore, then he’d probably be walking around with morphine in his bag, enough to ease this man’s pain. Ugh, how stupid was this, why had the officer come if he wasn’t going to go along? Why start something that could end like this? He glanced over to Tabitha, concerned and looking for answers, and that one seemed to be the most sane, if bitter, of them, she was one who knew more than the rest of them did, and wasn’t useless like the Ghost Girl was proving to be. [color=#d5c7b1]””what do we do?”[/color] he asked her, forcing his voice to not give away the vulnerability he felt.