[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iYACHSX.png[/img] [color=7ea7d8][h2]Yama[/h2][/color][i][h3]A Northern Park(?)[/h3][/i] [@Yukitamas][@ADamnFiddle][@TsundereStorm][@Scarifar][@Feyblue][@FamishedPants] [/center] Well, she had invited them to ask questions, but the woman calling herself Yama had more or less anticipated how this would go. It was always relatively the same, with one or two outliers. Some, screaming about how this wasn't real, or laughing as though it was a large scale joke. Some, trying to ignite their desires despite it being mentioned that this was impossible. Questions about the limits of the wish, about why she was doing this, about what the Naraka System was, about why this was called Naraka but the names of their abilities were Hebrew in origin. Some tried to attack her or even attack each other. Some didn't react. Some smiled like feral beasts. However, this time was different. The first question was none of those. The first question was something that disrupted the monotony of Yama's explanation, the same tired exposition she had given for an entire ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ was shattered apart by a question that severed heaven from earth. [color=#A9A9A9]"Can I have your hat?"[/color] She was paralyzed. Standing there in genuine shock, she looked to Tahp with something between shock, disgust, and praise. And then, after several seconds of silence... [color=7ea7d8]"Uf...ufufu..."[/color] What began as a quiet laugh turned into a raucous cackle that some would call maniacal, Yama only calming down after several seconds had passed, a hand reaching up to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye. [color=7ea7d8]"Of course. It's nothing special, I just bought it from a costume store a while back."[/color] As she said these words, the witch's hat on Yama's head blipped out of existence, revealing the top of her head, which thankfully lacked any balding spots. Those who were looking to Tahp, as well as Tahp himself of course, would see as the hat appeared on his head. There was no blur of movement, no change to indicate motion, rather the hat simply occupied one point in space at one moment and another the next. The question of the girl who had spoken up after, though, was notably more on par with what Yama had been expecting, a rather rehearsed smile forming on her face as she turned towards Victoria, now hatless. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, the reasons themselves are a bit beyond what I'm permitted to go around revealing. Rest assured, though, this isn't charity. The wish is quite literally realized from the power of those you kill. Their souls and desires, the powers you fought and prevailed against, are collected by yours truly and used as 'fuel' for the purpose of your wish. It's something generated purely by your collective efforts." "As to what I gain from it...well, I'm not quite at liberty to say. I'm something of an agent of the will of the world, you could say, so I'm acting in the interests of the world. Rest assured that the Naraka System is something designed first and foremost to benefit the world and keep things ticking along smoothly. The motivating factor of a wish is something used as a cherry on top of your continued survival to keep you all from slipping into despair or apathy, and since it's generated from your fallen enemies, it comes at no real cost to myself or the world. It's one of the few things that can genuinely be called a win-win."[/color]