I really like both of those! xD I can imagine a logo and everything. Thank you so much! I will definitely speak up next time I need help. If you notice me making any other mistakes or have suggestions to strengthen/improve my replies, don't hesitate to let me know. When it comes to writing, I am always eager to learn. Sounds perfect! I read your reply before I went to bed and couldn't sleep because I was so stoked. I can't believe they've made it to Wonderland! [img]https://tinyobsessions.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/tangled.gif?w=459&h=237[/img] Oh my gosh. I never even thought about that! :lol Yeah, Mrs. Saxon is set for a good long while. I wonder how many versions of the story will be passed around. By the time Ghent's parents hear about what went on, it's going to be quite a tale indeed. I'm on a mini road trip with my family and grandmother. Five hours in, I'm ready to go home . Thankfully, I have my laptop, so I'll have you know that I wrote my reply in the back of a crowded minivan surrounded by utter chaos. Before I forget! When I get back home, I want to show you what I've been working on. I put together a few aesthetics for the role play. I made one for Elayra, Ghent, and one with both. I'm planning one for Drust, too. I also made a Pinterest board to pin aesthetic-y pictures that could work for the story. If you want, I can link you to that. I've even edited some of the pictures so they look more dark and fitting...heh...did I mention I love this role play?