[b]November 4th, 2019 6:32 AM, ET Burnley, Gotham[/b] [hr][center][h3][color=#ff4fcb][u]Hex[/u][/color][/h3][/center] Tommy waved off his father’s advice, ‘man this, man that, adulting,’ he meant well, but Tommy had his own ideas about what he should be doing, and he knew his limits plenty well, some random dreams weren’t his priority. No, his priority was hitting the swim team hard and fast, so fast Bex wouldn’t be able to rope him into chess club. He didn’t mind GSA, and he found [i]endless[/i] amusement in D&D, but chess? He rolled his eyes just thinking about it; that was a dying art, just let it go already. He was also going to have to see about stirring up some fun on his own, it was only monday, no way was he waiting a whole week for his dad to take him after some grave robbers- though getting off the leash, so to speak, would be fun. Speaking of leashes, he sent a quick text to Pads, he was going to drop by the Stadium after school, that’d be fun. “Cool,” he cheered, his brain already multitasking to envision how the weekend would go down, in addition to planning his schedule for the day. “It’ll be fun- and Dad, first day, y’know? I’ll be late- clubs yeah? Bex is already onto me, and Anna won’t join any unless I talk her into it.” he explained, carefully concealing his secret plans with Pads with his less nefarious plans with Bex and Anna as he shoved a last piece of bacon into his mouth and then darting towards the stairs. “Oh,” he paused, turning back around, “and next time you smudge my warming rune I’m etching an ice one into your headboard!” He warned, referring to the heating hex he’d placed on the shower, drawn in permanent marker on the shower head, yet somehow always managing to rub off by the time he went to take another shower. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was his father, but who else could it be? If there was some kind of magical rat skulking about eating his runes he was going to be pissed. Regardless of if his father was actually innocent he spun back around and hopped up the stairs to get ready for school.