[CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]I N T E R M I S S I O N:[/color][/b][/H2][h3][sup][sup][COLOR=SILVER][B]E P I L O G U E - E P I S O D E V : K I D S T H E S E D A Y S[/B][/COLOR][/SUP][/SUP][/H3][/CENTER] [Color=DARKORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]D E L A W A R E :[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]July 20[SUP]th[/SUP], 2017 - 17:02 | Metro Tower - Metropolis[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT][indent]Rose didn't clap along with the other Leaguers as Superman introduced [i]Superskirt[/i] as both his daughter and the League's newest recruit. A bitter twing of jealousy reverberated through her chest as she watched the way Lara adored her father, the way Rose had adored her father. At least, at first. Superman did something Rose had never experienced though, he returned the affection, the admiration. He glowed with pride looking at his daughter, content with who she was. Rose had never been on the receiving end of these things. Her father had only pushed her to be stronger, faster, deadlier. And when he could teach her no more, he had brought in others to teach her, some voluntarily. And some by force. Phantom pain began to eminate from her right eye as the memories of her father's blade flashed in her mind. The cold steel pressed against her face, the sudden shock followed by burning pain as a warm liquid ran down her face, mixing with salty tears all while the 'hero' watched, helpless to stop the monster that was her father. Putting a hand over her blind eye, Rose brought herself back to reality as she turned to leave the restored training room. She needed a dart and a drink. Making her way to an upper floor, Rose exited the building onto a balcony as she over looked Metropolis. Taking a swing from her hidden hip flask, Rose felt the rum warm her throat, erasing any lumps that might have formed there before she gingerly put her lips around a cigarette, lighting the end and inhaling deeply. Blowing a ring of smoke, Rose leaned over the railing as she studied the city below. Beneath the glistening skyscrapers and clean streets, she knew there was a city that was hurting. It may not have been Gotham or Hub, but Metropolis had a dark side most people couldn't see beyond the large 'S' that protected it. Shaking her head, Rose rubbed her temple. She couldn't remember a thing from after Extant had appeared until everyone was celebrating below. She hated having her mind screwed with, yet another thing to thank dear ol'Dad for. [COLOR=DARKORANGE][B][I]'I've got more daddy issues than [U]fuckin'[/U] Lucifer.'[/I][/B][/COLOR] Rose smirked slightly at her own internal monologue as she resumed looking down on Metropolis. The League was something the world needed, but Rose couldn't help but think they could do a lot more. The League only responded to events where Supervillains were present, what about the little girls kidnapped in the night? What about the corrupt CEOs of the world, here was so much crime the League did little to intervene within. Before she had joined, Rose was putting down scum left, right and center, it was part of what had gathered the League's attention. But Rose suspected that Bats and 'Wing didn't want her to become her father. The League was just a giant daycare for 'loose cannons' like her. Letting out an exasaperated sigh, Rose blew another ring of smoke. [COLOR=DARKORANGE][B]"How much longer will I even fuckin' last here?"[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]