[@Roughdragon1] Alright now that you're interested what would you prefer, board game approach (cards and dice come into play) [hider=My Hider] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/d88d/f/2017/236/1/d/val___the_bandit_queen_by_livingdreament-dbl6z81.png[/img] [img]https://orig05.deviantart.net/8c41/f/2017/236/e/9/frost_by_livingdreament-dbl6z93.png[/img] [/hider] Or a free writing approach where the story is less bound to rules and more up to whatever people come up with? EDIT: I'll expand on the tabletop approach a bit further. I'll essentially play GM and decide what is where and make sure people play by the rules I setup. If people try to hurt or kill each other, dice will decide what damage is done and then you will explain what happened with your words. So if someone rolls 3 dice, one does armor damage, one misses, and the other hits health, it would be up to you to explain how your character acted in that scenario. (Get creative, maybe they missed with their weapon so they grabbed a rock on the ground and threw it or something) In a free writing story, you'd have to just agree that one of you lost or such and not base the scenario on dice. In regards to survival in free writing someone can make up that they found a berry bush that they're living off of, in the table top version I would have had to already decide there was a berry bush in the area, and also determined those berries were edible. EDIT EDIT: Just saw your question, not sure why I didn't see it before [@Roughdragon1]. Sorry about that. Magic is present though uncommon, and not in your typical sense. Magic is in most cases, based on terraforming crystals left behind from the old world. These crystals used to be a catalyst for terraformers so that they could do things like shift earth, create fire, and otherwise control the elements. (So magic essentially) Now, these are very dangerous and vary between locations so we'll have to discuss magic based on what scenario you guys decide to play through. Crystals typically tend to be parasitic in nature and can spread across creatures causing them to become very hostile, and powerful. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://pre12.deviantart.net/fc6d/th/pre/i/2017/236/a/c/creatures_a2_by_livingdreament-dbl71hg.png[/img] [/hider] There's also a race of people, Okiciyans, that exist due to crystals and thus are very magical in nature, though rare as they can not reproduce and face extinction. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://img05.deviantart.net/29f1/i/2017/236/a/d/teresa_taken_spread_by_livingdreament-dbl71q3.png[/img] [/hider] Humans can also end up impacted by crystals though they're typically able to remove it if it's an outside infliction. Some do have it grow inside them, on a minor scale they may never notice it in life. On a more major scale, they can control elements like mages though they are more likely to die from health issues due to this. Dragon Lords were the most well known of these humans, they shared element control like their dragon counterpart and formed a bond with them. they've for the most part died out in a civil war and for the purpose of this rp, will not come into play (far too powerful, would have no trouble surviving). Side note, people who have crystals in them, even minor amounts, are more likely to leave a spirit behind. These spirits are more or less energy taking the form of the previous host of the crystals. They often have little memory of who they were before, wander the world for a bit, and fade into oblivion. Spirits who underwent traumatic experiences before death have a chance to become abominations, twisted creatures, that kill and twist other spirits into abominations. [i]That's a bit of info...[/i] if there are any questions I'll try to answer them. I have a bit of the world fleshed out either in documents or art so I'd be happy to share them.