Dan Black stood with a small child who was showing off his ideas for cards- two more pieces of Dragon support. It was always [i]Dragons[/i] with the kids. Dragon Rulers, Heiratics, Dragunity, always someone at Industrial Illusions made sure dragons were the tippest toppest of the game. That person made Dan sick, because it inspired kids like this to make cards like this. A level 4 monster with three thousand attack and defense that let you special summon a dragon-type monster from your hand or deck or graveyard or banished zone or extra deck while ignoring its summoning conditions and then destroy everything on the opponent's field. Internally, he was screaming, overcome by an intense desire to beat this kid with a lead pipe. Externally, he used his perfected office politics to give a warm smile and try to explain just why this might be a bad card to include- especially with the ludicrous attack and defense stats. The searching effect was too broad, especially for something much, much stronger than Kidmodo Dragon. The criticisms continued, delivered calmly and concisely. Then Dan patted the kid on the shoulder and headed off, breathing quickly and counting to ten.