[center][h1][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1196625][color=ed1c24]Katia Lei [/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/HwPQQ6N.png[/img][/url][/h1][/center][hr] The battle was over almost before it had begun, the shades evaporating into mist as their blows struck true. As the ranger searched for his bolts, Katia stood pensively, keeping an eye out for danger. With the foe adapting their techniques, they would need to be smarter about their planning. Katia couldn't see why the gnome, who claimed to be a wizard, had so little intelligence to not know more about their foes. Benefit of the doubt would tell her that these tactics were new to him as well, but it still did little to ease her concerns. [color=ed1c24]"If we do not take care, we shall be ambushed at every turn,"[/color] the tabaxi announced once Theodore had replaced his mask. [color=ed1c24]"Silence and stealth might be wise. I shall take the high ground and hopefully see them coming ahead of time."[/color] Katia made it a point to turn to the gnome and spell out her intentions in small words, slowly and carefully and with sufficient pantomiming to ensure he understood that she would be moving along the rooftops. It would do no one any good if he were to repeat the bumbling mistake of the night before. Katia briefly wondered whether rogues or sneaks existed in this city prior to the infestation of the shadows. Potentially they did not, judging both by Birbin's response to her earlier attempts at stealth and by the fact that few people seemed left alive in this town. Perhaps a quieter approach to the shadow problem would have left more people alive. She also felt her mind wander to what kind of heroes may have been collecting in this Hall, and how the rown must have treated them to have such a large building dedicated to their accomplishments. She also wondered why Birbin didn't simply reside in said Hall, as it was surely better reinforced than a mere tavern, and definitely safer than an extended stroll in the streets. In fact, if she had not already convinced herself of the gnome's ineptitude and inability to plan, she would have wondered if this were not some staged method of forcing unnecessary fights with the shadows. Before she took to the rooftops, Katia approached Cesar with one of the healing elixirs that Birbin had presented her earlier. [color=ed1c24]"You look like you could use this,"[/color] she whispered in his ear, pressing the glass vial into his hand. [color=ed1c24]"Don't go dying on me, okay?"[/color] Katia kissed the sailor lightly on his cheek and, without giving him a chance to respond, scaled the side of a nearby building and darted forward along the rooftops, dashing to the nearest intersection of streets to keep a lookout until the rest of the group caught up. [hider=Mechanics] Stealth Roll: [b][color=ed1c24]15[/color][/b]. Initiative: [b][color=ed1c24]17[/color][/b]. [b]HP:[/b] 27/27. [b]AC:[/b] 15. [b]Ki:[/b] 3/4 (Recharge Short Rest). [b]Feline Agility:[/b] Available. [b]Golden Surge:[/b] Available. [b]Speed:[/b] 50. [b]Climb:[/b] 40. [B]Passive Perception:[/b] 14. Rolls are on Discord.[/hider] Mentioned: [@Hekazu], [@Cu Chulainn]