Emiri let out something between a cry of surprise and a whine, and it was only by Grant hastily grabbing the back of her dress that she didn't pounce on both Jaakuna and Cassandra. What the hell?! What was he thinking?! She didn't know what was worse, the kiss or the googly eyes Cassandra had for him. She had seen enough, and had half a mind to walk out before a burst of Mist brought in both Nadeline and Savayna. Why didn't they just walk in? "[color=plum]What a reunion,[/color]" Aloa commented rather dryly, though she would bow to her princess. "[color=plum]Full of surprises today, are we?[/color]" Nadeline's head was spinning--she barely recognized Aloa's voice, though as she clutched her head, things began to steady themselves. Letting out a small breath, she straightened herself, dusting off her shoulders and skirt before looking around the room. How convenient, indeed. Her foul mood was written all over her face with a rather stern expression. Grant had to jump out of her way as she stomped past everyone over to Wesley's sleeping form. She let out a sigh, turning back to the group as she would look at each of them. Oh joy, something had happened here as well. It was good to know life continued in her absence, but Emiri looked about ready to strangle someone. "[color=coral]We came from the Brotherhood stronghold I had been taken to before,[/color]" She informed Jaakuna, raising an eyebrow at the closeness he and Cassandra suddenly shared. "[color=coral]The short of it is that apparently, my beloved had a few hobbies I didn't know about, although I do believe the intrusion of Zodiark or one of his cohorts cut the conversation short before any meaningful information could have been extracted.[/color]" "[color=darkorchid]You did [i]what[/i] now?[/color]" Grant was incredulous. Had everyone suddenly lost their minds? Nadeline ignored him, turning back to Wesley. "[color=coral]Wesley...Sanguine and Caeru...they wanted me to tell you that they tried. They were faithful to you until the end...But the Protector came for them,[/color]" She told them quietly, only realizing that she had cried when she finished. The shock had worn off--they had died, and even then they managed to get them to safety. Emiri walked up to Nadeline, a comforting hand on her shoulder. "[color=pink]Naddie, what does that mean?[/color]" She asked gently. "[color=pink]Who are you talking about?[/color]" She shook her head. "[color=coral]I don't know what it means.[/color]"