[@LuckyBlackCat][@Darkmoon Angel] The trip back down the rest of the mountain was exhausting for all three trainers, and the damage their Pokemon had suffered had them stopping every hour or so to make sure they were OK. The trip, as a result, had them out until dark and then without their Pokemon until at least the next day. Tommy slid into one of the waiting area seats, his face sullen. [color=Teal]"This is my fault. Your guys's pokemon would be in way better shape if I hadn't let you come with me..."[/color] He clenched his fist in frustration. [color=Teal]"I have to become a better trainer, for the sake of my friends and my Pokemon..."[/color] [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 76+1+3=80 CP: 47+1=48 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 15[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 13[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 7[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 11[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 7[/color] Inventory: 1/10 Poke Ball x1 [/hider]