[@medalliah][@Kit DewStein][@Lemons][@Helo][@King Tai] [img]https://images.cooltext.com/4996256.png[/img] Only after the others had lined up like good little soliders, and the guard threatened to tase her did Roxy from the wall. Her movements were silent and gracefully. Her movement showed the animal DNA the way nothing else had. Although she gave no indication of it She had heightened senses. She could hear more than the guards realized. She realized quickly not to give away all of her abilities. It was smart to keep as much hidden as she could. The guard at the glared at her. She shrugged nonchalantly as he opened the door. The hall was lined with guards. There was one at every door. The cameras hung from the ceiling every five feet seat or so. They scanned in a pattern that left no spot out of sight for more than a few seconds. It was clear they were prepared for escape attempts.