Heh! Awesome. Call it ICI for short. I got the titles, so you’re totally in charge of the logos. :lol Alrighty, will do! Well, when I notice and think about bringing it up, anyway, I’ll make sure to do so! And please, do the same with me! :-) By the way, I just noticed you edited Ghent’s profile. Wanted to say that it looks great! There are probably a couple things I should change on Elayra’s, but I’m lazy. On your guy, though, after reading through it, I [i]think[/i] what I had in mind would work, but just to make sure, what is something that could create the grounds for cementing his resolve—making it because he wants to, and not just because he kinda has to now if he wants to get home—of remaining in Wonderland to help them? Heh, I’ve done that a few times. Sucks, but it’s exciting at the same time to be mulling bits of story around in your head! And I know! At the moment, I’m a mix of this: [img]http://i.imgur.com/jVN0pct.gif[/img] And this: [img]http://i.imgur.com/aM8FCx7.gif[/img] HA! I feel sorry for Ghent’s parents and whatever they end up hearing. xD Oh! Road trip! I don’t envy you. I know how that feels, wanting to be home! I hate family car rides. Though, I usually end up just trying to sleep through them in the back seat. Always bring things to do, but then end up snoring in the back. Metaphorically speaking. At least, I don’t [i]think[/i] I snore. Ooh, impressive, writing that when surrounded by chaos! *Applauds you.* Seriously, though, crammed car ride aside, I hope you enjoy yourselves on your mini trip! Oh! Do! Though I’ll probably forget to remind you, I’d love to see it/them! And yes please, about sending a link to a Pinterest if you get around to that! I have a few pictures picked out for references for a couple things further down the line (Heart Palace, a town, a few character pictures, and the domains of a couple of the iconic guys we’ll be meeting), but it’d be awesome to see what you’ve found and edited, and maybe add some of those to that list, if you’re good with that! And, uh, that may have come up once or twice. :newlol I’m still just hoping the rest of this continues to hold up to those expectations. Heh. I mean, we’re pretty much still at the beginning, so we have quite a ways to go! And, uh, sorry. I got a little carried away with Drust’s POV. Also, it makes my OCD WAY too happy that we start back in Wonderland at the beginning of a new page.