[h1]Southbound, Lost in the Mist[/h1] [@hivekiller] [img]https://boredomexists.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/ruins_a_waterfall_bushes_flowers_water-1280x800.jpg [/img] After days of travel and besting all the wilds have to offer, a lone traveler emerges from a deep morning fog into a clearing littered with the remnants of long-forgotten temples. Several aged marble columns have stood the test of time. Their deep colors have been weathered and choked by clinging vines. Little more than the bones of some grand edifice long since crumbled to dust, but these noble archways remain, curved and broken like the ribs of a leviathan with jagged stone steps leading into its maw. Cloying silver mists thicken the air within these ancient ruins and fill its dark corners with a sense of gloom and mystery. Several small pools of water are scattered throughout the overgrown courtyard, and wherever darkness lingers over them, the water’s surface is pitch dark void from which the light of distant stars faintly emanates. The eerie black pools occluded by shadow reflect nothing and are strangely mesmerizing to behold. The more one focuses upon on them, the more it seems that the night sky reflected on their surface is real, despite the sun’s blatant insistence that its actually mid-day. Brilliant golden light cuts through the fog in a wide swath, as if a wedge of sunny warmth were sliding through the cold misty veil of night. The sunlight illuminates a weathered bas-relief carved from the side of a half-crumbled temple wall. A lone minotaur finds itself staring at the surreal view before it and the relief sculpture curiously depicting a stout bull-headed creature much like itself. Each eye is an empty socket and easily could contain an object roughly the same size and shape as a marble.