Neil raised an eyebrow in surprise at Sayeeda downing her glass in one go. He'd not seen her fight yet, but from her mannerisms, the way she aimed, and how she drank...She was a hard woman. He lucked out, he thought to himself. Most captains wouldn't be so casual yet still commanded the respect she seemed to (or were as hot). He obliged and followed her example, downing his glass in one shot and feeling his sinuses clear in a satisfying way. "Ah," he breathed, enjoying the punch of the flavor. "Yeah that's me, chock full of a good idea." Neil poured more into his glass. Once she mentioned they might need to go back to Gorlan, he shook his head. "Don't worry. Plenty of bounties to get or shipments to run. Hell, we could piss a few pirates off at us, and once they decide to go after the [i]Highlander[/i] we could blow them up and scavenge what's left of their ships. After the way we worked together back there, I think we'll do ok in ship to ship combat." He finished his next glass after a few hardy sips. The young man might be slim, but he had a tough constitution. Many men who'd fought him in the war hand to hand found out he was much tougher than he looked, even if he lacked a bit of discipline. "Hunting Xenos, selling scraps, transporting refugees, finding new places to colonize for companies looking to expand..." He let his voice trail off as he allowed the idea to fill her head. "We can do whatever we want. 'Long as we got this ship and both of us working to our strengths. I say just take along whatever job is closest." Neil ran a hand through his thick hair and fell back onto the cushioned back of the bench, leisurely sipping his third glass. "I'd start thinking on what we could do for fun around here." He let his own thought drift. "Other than building shit." [@Penny]