[Center][color=#C70039][h3]~Isabella~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] Isabella simply stared at the other two as they made their replies. When they finished, her eyes shifted towards the ground, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly in a dejected seeming glare. [color=#C70039]"If you all want to be all bunched up when we're attacked by something and can't swing our weapons without hitting another person, by all means..."[/color] The redhead shook her head. It was always like this wasn't it? That's how she felt at least. She had suggested doing so because it would have been easier on them...and well, herself. She couldn't reliably use her sword at full ability in such a narrow passage with all of them present. She'd practically be defenseless since she couldn't defend herself without fear of hurting her 'comrades' which she was being convinced of less and less that she should care about. Well, she supposed she could always take point so to speak, but...wouldn't that be better suited towards someone else? Bah, didn't matter at the moment. She turned to Ihosha, fixing her with a neutral expression. [color=#C70039]"You...can see the source of it?"[/color] Isabella moved slightly towards the cloaked woman, giving her a small smile. [color=#C70039]"Curious, a useful ability you have there."[/color] Perhaps she'd need to keep an eye on this girl after all. Might learn something useful. Or at least, be able to think on how to use their ability in the most efficient manner, but for now though since it seemed there was nothing else to discuss....[color=#C70039]"Hm, not that it matters at the moment,"[/color] She looked towards Dwyn and the nameless one. [color=#C70039]"I'll bring up the rear...whenever you all decide which death trap you want to travel down."[/color] With that, she returned to silence, retreating a few steps away from the group for a bit of breathing room. She had nothing more to say on the matter, and trying to dissuade them would only bring about needless discussion and discord among the group. Plus, with this many people she was feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Well, whenever they decided to finally get moving, she'd follow.