[quote=@Hank] Looks like a fun character to have around. Simple concept but there's nothing wrong with that. I'd like you to go over the sheet one more time and get rid of the spelling errors, then you can post big ol' Skall in the Characters tab (without a hider). By the way, is his axe a dedicated firewood axe or is he just brute-forcing it into acting like one? I've been informed that ordinary battleaxes made to be used in combat can't chop wood. [/quote] Yeah that's correct, battle axes are generally speaking thinner and lighter than wood chopping axes, although you probably can do some lighter woodworking with them. Skall is using a true battle axe, if I do end up splitting logs at some point during the RP I will make sure I use an appropriate tool. EDIT: I was actually going to make a point of it in my C.S. but didn't because I wanted to keep it relatively brief, but the fact that he trained with a woodaxe rather than a proper fighting axe is also one of the reasons Skall failed his attempt to join the Companions.