[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmY5NDg5Yy5QQ0JUZEdWbVlXNTVJRkpoZEdWeVptVnNiQ0EtLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/anak-anak.regular.png[/img][/center] [@EchoicChamber] Stefany looked at him curiously. [color=hotpink]"What courses were you taking?"[/color] A paper fluttered to the floor and she bent over to pick it up. [color=hotpink]"That's good. I would like to know you better. Do you have any place for us to go to?"[/color] Stefany was skeptical but went along with it. After all, if her family knew that she had met her soulmate and brushed him off completely (even if he was a weirdo) it would not be the best time for her. She started when he reached across and made the pain subside from her wrist. [color=hotpink]"Thanks"[/color] She muttered.