[indent][indent][h2][i]Nanook[/i][/h2][/indent][/indent] Musky ghosts had been haunting the dark and dreary sky all night long and dripping fragile, twilight tears from the stars, which floated through the wintertime drapes, stooping and transcending longingly through and over the silver lined floor of the Alaskan land. Nanook had awoken sometime in the middle of this maned phenomena as the sound of the wind whispered her small howls into his sleeping ears. Even under the sullen security of his cave, a pale powder had managed to sprinkle itself over his nose and fur, and he found, this cold dust felt rather pleasing on his coat. With droopy blue eyes, intoxicated on dreams of play and adventure, his interests were re-awakened and electrified by this feeling for something more real and mysterious. Nanook shivered his nose with a twitch, and the star-tears continued their journey to the cave’s floor, quickly melting under the heat of resting mystical creatures. Not a stir was managed through the herd at the unnatural sounds nestling from Nanook, and he took this as a good sign under his presumptions. His body carefully determined its size, and like many nights similar to this one, he hid amongst the creeping shadows and slowly rose from the hiding to wander the spooked lands in search of the evil he had been told so much about. He doubted so much at their existence, and in his fearless nature, he emerged from the cave’s opening with an immature courage and a brave heart. [center]♦ ♦ ♦[/center] [i]Tush. Tush. Tush.[/i] The yeti made soft sounds with his large stomps stepping silent prints of young paws into the silk snow. The natural wisps of a trail blew quickly with the wind as her strong arms brushed through Nanook’s white fur, almost invisible in the pale terrain, like a glimmer in the evening bed all too made for midnight discovery. And, drawing the yeti further from his habitat, a radiant crown had arched herself in the sky above the mountain and guided the yeti's prints towards her. The draped ghosts were pushing themselves through the atmosphere to reveal this magnificent orb, brightened in the stark wintry scene. As Nanook wandered closer in pursuit of this majestic rock, the colder the night became, and his heart was thumping faster and faster in his thick skin, all bustled and tussled with excitement until he his large limbs, rustled on all fours and began moving congruently and swiftly like a run and freely padding his merriment deeper and deeper into the night and snow. The sky suggested he had awakened later than his usual witching hour, and the yeti knew less time for nighttime play was available. Yet still, this did not bother him because he was not planning to come home any time soon. He had grander plans of mischief. He was going to explore further and wider than his last secret expedition. In fact, there was a ledge he had found, and if he stood atop it, the glowing lights of the human village could be seen. They pulsed like a surreal heartbeat, and the contrition itched his nose to know more. There was something necessary about the humans, and yet he was to never go near them. He knew the stories and legends, and for such a reason, he was perplexed about the schism between the two creatures. There was something more mysterious about his learnings, and as his curiosity ruled his nose, he was not going to rest until he knew what it was, so he had been telling himself for several years, now. He had only managed to see the human realm from late at night, and part of him had decided without any real reason other than brute desire that tonight, he was going to allow himself to disappear for several days longer than normal as he studied these phenomenal creatures. Nanook wanted to watch this world for himself. It had shaped the habits of his kind for centuries, but none of them seemed to know anything [i]real[/i] about it, despite burning spirits that kept the two species connected and still within paw's reach. As the son of Toklo, the leader of his pack, Nanook felt responsible for knowing these things and unveiling the mysteries. However, Nanook had to make it to that ledge, first, and maybe, as a birthday gift, he would be able to meet one of these mysteries.