Quick to make attempts at the victims' freedom, Yvah scrambled up to the top of the Dwarfess's tank. After pushing herself over the edge, she came back to a low crouch. She circled around a bit on the tank, trying to find an angle before settling and perching about the lock of the container's hatch. The tools for job slipped into her fingertips, feeling as familiar to her as her very hands. The tumbler system was complex, but under Yvah's skilled touch it gave in within moments. The hatch swung open with a creak, but the Dwarf still wasn't freed. Yvah looked around for a moment as her teeth tugged on her lip in thought. The Dwarf was much too heavy for any of them to lift so far upward in order to free her. Lex might, but with him stomping around downstairs there'd be no chance of stealth. It'd also take long enough that any guards would arrive before he was finished pulling the woman free. The fact that cover wasn't already blown with this parade of people down here must've meant there wasn't anyone here or they were already on their way. In Yvah's mind, there wasn't any other option but to blow it. So, she thought, in for a penny, in for a pound. Yvah sidled around the tank until she stood between it and the back wall. Her reach was long enough that she could grip the top edge of the tank, so she used that to press her feet onto the glass and hoist herself upward without climbing over. Her back arched back as far as she could manage until her grip released. Falling back, Yvah caught herself by pressing her hands and back against the wall behind her, feet still pressed to the tank and body roughly parallel to the ground below her. "Okay, this is gonna be loud, so get yourselves ready!" she said loud enough to carry into the stairwell. Her midriff flexed intensely as she pushed her body outward as hard as she could to hold herself aloft. Then she started to 'walk' up the tank until her feet were as high as they could manage. Pushing hard now, the tank started to tilt away from her. By the time it began careening over, Yvah bailed on her position, rotating about face in the air, and caught herself on her hands and feet. With a thunderous crash, the tank shattered over the ground, the contents spilling out over the floor. >nat20 to open Solglia's lock >17 to knock the tank over