Oh gosh, where do I even start. I feel like I have a lot of things that inspire me and drive me onwards. I would say reading the Relentless book series by Karen Lynch has really inspired me to become a better writer. The way in which she can so eloquently incorporate action, romance, drama, and humor altogether in each of her books is truly amazing. Her book was probably the first fictional book to bring me to tears, both from sadness and happiness. She is a marvelous writer! I would say that the BBC TV series Merlin is one of the best examples of character development I have seen. From the first season to the last, the main characters grow so much, particularly Merlin, Arthur, and Morgana. Arthur went from being a selfish prat (Merlin's words not mine XP) to being a true chivalrous king and man who would gladly lay down his life for his people. Action scenes also tend to inspire me to write, particularly those that are either medieval based fighting or have strong female characters. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The 100 have some amazing female characters. Right now, the TV series Grimm has got me inspired. ;) More recently, music and quotes have become more integral to my writing. Music has this way of putting me in the mood of the scene that I am trying to write. For example, when I was writing a rather violent scene for my evil character Edgard [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4416126](Killing The Messenger)[/url] I was literally listening to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ffPA9Srlq4]"Prey For Me" by Korn[/url] on loop. Sometimes it's the lyrics that inspire me or sometimes it's just the beat. As far as quotes go, it has recently become a habit of mine to find a quote that fits the essence of each of my character as well as sometimes finding a quote that fits the essence of my post. On my profile page, I have some quotes that speak to me personally. The quotes also to an extent capture my essence and the struggles I have gone through growing up with divorced parents. [quote=David Rossi]Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going.[/quote] [quote=Atticus]She wasn't looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.[/quote] [quote=Fyodor Dostoevsky]I don't know how to be silent when my heart is speaking.[/quote] [quote=Josephine Hart]Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.[/quote] When I make characters, I tend to emphasize a defining point or struggle in their life. I ultimately want my characters to inspire and encourage people. Through my characters, I want to show people that your struggles do not have to negatively define you, but instead you can overcome them.