[center][h1]Clean Up Isle 13, Death! [color=f08080]Meghna[/color], [color=D9E0F9]Tiffany[/color] & [color=8dc73f]Amelia[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly3gww1x901qa0o0mo1_500.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/2a873ec137a27229337cef726cdc285e/tumblr_nwhlhlMBjQ1qd4bljo5_r1_250.gif[/img][img]https://em.wattpad.com/f524d6b4ba6b1adeb59481894e9b6edac5a47b2b/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f456b6e45714e7a513071782d2d773d3d2d3238313739373237362e313436656439346533643439333733613335383538373131323436392e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] Location: Outer Gate -> Bryn and Sana's Place -> Graveyard[/center] [hr][hr] Meghna turned her attention back over towards both Amelia and Tiffany, she knew that Ms. Sally would probably be in really good hands, she trusted the medical staff and their capabilities. [color=f08080]"Right, so I managed to get their bodies out of their house before James left. We need to take them over to the cemetery to bury them, then we need to clean up the mess. So, Amelia, I want you to go and grab the shovels, don't worry about asking, I'll sign and return them later."[/color] Meghna said, as she turned to look over at Tiffany for her job. [color=f08080]"And Tiffany, I want you to go and grab the buckets that we use to power wash and then both of you meet over at Bryn and Sana's place. I'll go and see what other messes there are from the incident."[/color] Meghna said as she started to head over towards agriculture first as she headed over to the supply area she grabbed the clipboard and quickly signed her name off. Before turning around and started to make her way towards the inner wall where the whole scene ended up taking place. [color=8dc73f]"Alright."[/color] Was Amelia's quick reply before she dashed off to grab the shovels. Her mind was still chaos, but with a defined goal in mind which currently was burying Sana, Bryn and that man who she will not mention even in her thoughts, it was easier to focus. She just had to do everything needed for that goal and turn off her thinking. Tiffany nodded before she made her way over. She wasn't looking forward to this and contemplated taking her time, but it was a chore that needed to be done. Not only for health reasons (you couldn't just have dead bodies/blood/gore around and expect people to be ok) but also to ensure morality. They deserved their final rest and a proper burial. It was best for all involved. Tiffany found the buckets and picked them up, letting Meg handle the signing as she made her way over to Bryn and Sana's place to meet with the two. Meghna made her way back towards the scene of the crime, her eyes following along the trail of blood that would lead over towards the work shop area. She was greeted by the sight seeing the blood and gore that was on the floor, biting her lower lip and sighed ever so slightly this needed to be done. Meg would have to clean this off first, she started to turn around and make her way back over towards Bryn and Sana's former home. [color=f08080]"Just followed the trail the shop needs a cleaning as well."[/color] Meg said gesturing towards the two bodies of their former friends wrapped up in the bed sheets. [color=f08080]"We will take them over one at a time to the cemetery."[/color] She then moved over to one of the bodies and then started to do her best to lift it up and started making her way over there. Having grabbed the shovels, she also grabbed a hoe. Frankly, the four tools were a little bit heavy, but not impossible to carry. Still, she quickly started carrying them over back to meet up with Meg and Tiffany. It took a little struggle since the snow and everything, but it was better than if everything was simple slippery ice. [color=8dc73f]"I brought the shovels... also a hoe to help soften the harder upper layer of dirt!"[/color] Amelia said as she arrived and saw Meg. She nearly dropped the tools too, since her arms did get a little tired of carrying all four of them, but it was fine. It was mostly fatigue from uncomfortable holding onto them rather than working fatigue. It was going to be fine. Tiffany set the buckets down when she met up with the two. After Meg started to lift the heavy load, Tiffany ran over and helped her lift. [color=D9E0F9]"Two sets of hands are better than one."[/color] She hoped Amelia would handle carrying some things, she would be back to help carry more tools or the other bodies in a bit, but she couldn't let Meg load up by herself. [color=f08080]"Thank you both of you, we just need to set the bodies down by the graveyard, for now, then we have to clean up the blood in the streets and the workshop."[/color] Meghna said as she was grateful for both of their help, motioning for Amelia to help with the body of Sana and started to make her way over towards the graveyard. Once they were there Meg looked down at the sight, Richard's was there already having moved the body after everything had happened. Amelia made a sound of confirmation as she let go of the tools completely, leaving them on the ground. They weren't going to break after all and quickly had moved to help with the body. Richard's was here... She couldn't help but even now give him angry glares. This person was the reason why Sana and Bryn died... Why James left. Why couldn't he just shoot himself in the head alone before everything happened? [color=8dc73f]"Let's go for..."[/color] She started saying, but fell quiet, running the words through her mind. Amelia couldn't help but look down.[color=8dc73f]"..."[/color] She labored with the others as they made their way to the graveyard. To think that on any other day she would be with Ray, or working on arrows, or at shooting practice, but here she was helping to carry the body of a former member of their community. She let her mind wander a bit. This community was a good thing, but they were hit pretty hard with losing three people, six technically with James, Bea, and Ryan leaving as well. And though they seemed to be getting new faces (that of Thana and the other two she hadn't been properly introduced to), they were unknown people to her. She was a new member herself once so she wasn't against new people coming. So far, they seemed fine. She wondered if they could do something soon to boost morale. Maybe a community get together? She would have to bring it up another time. For now, she needed to help Meg and Amelia. This was more important. Meghna groaned slightly as she laid the body down and stretched her back carrying the bodies wasn't something she was used to, wiping some sweat off of her forehead. She started to take off her jacket and tied it around her waist looking over at Amelia and Tiffany for a moment, letting out a slight sigh. [color=f08080]"I'll get to work on digging the holes, you two get the water jugs fill them up with water. There should be some salt and put it into the water. The mess will be on the street as well as the workshop, the power wash should work along with the salt to get rid of the ice and blood, once your done swing back here and we can get this done."[/color] Meghna said as she then went to grab one of the shovels, finding an empty spot as she started to get to work on digging the first hole for their three dead. Amelia blinked a few times at first in confusion, believing the three of them were going to deal with the graves first, but now Meg told them to go clean up the gore. She wasn't sure why Tiffany and her were sent away to the other part of the task. Still, finally, she nodded.[color=8dc73f]" Okay then..."[/color] She replied to Meg and looked at Tiffany. Well cleaning the mess was overall going to be a lot easier than digging a grave by one's self, that's why she was confused at Meg's orders. [color=8dc73f]"I will... let's first grab the salt. We will need a good amount of it."[/color] Amelia proposed to Tiffany. Salt was going to be needed in decent quantity maybe half a kilo at the least for the bucket so it was quickly going to stack up. Both carrying it would be the better choice in Amelia's opinion. Tiffany didn't quite understand it either, but she figured Meh must have a good reason for sending them away so she could deal with this on her own for a bit. She followed Amelia and helped her grab the salt and water. It was easier with the both of them to carry them. They made their way to where the blood was. [color=D9E0F9]"I've never actually used this kind of thing before, but I've seen it done. How hard could it be?"[/color] Once the salt was in the water, she hooked the power washer up to it and began to spray the blood and gore away. Much to her amazement, it worked like a charm. It was smart thinking adding salt to the mix. After a bit, she handed the power washer over to Amelia to let her have a go at it. Once they were safely done, she turned the washer off. [color=D9E0F9]"Ok, let's make it back to Meg. She should be almost done."[/color]