[center][h3][color=orange][u]Crowned Survian Republic[/u][/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Coat_of_Arms_of_Maria_Isabel_of_Portugal%2C_Queen_Consort_of_Spain.svg[/img][/center] 1 December, 1900 José Luciano Franco Minister of Foreign Affairs Dear Tsirine, Empress of Violette Last week I stated to my Parliament that we were working for peace not only for this country, but to preserve the peace of the Continent. Today events move so rapidly that it is exceedingly difficult to state with technical accuracy the actual state of affairs, but it is clear that the peace of Continent cannot be preserved. Itherae and Tyria, at any rate, have declared war upon each other. Violette has followed just as clearly. Before I proceed to state the position of his Majesty's Government I would like to clear the ground so that, before I come to state to the House what our attitude is with regard to the present crisis, the House may know exactly under what obligations the government is, or the House can be said to be, in coming to a decision on the matter. First of all, let me say, very shortly, that we have consistently worked with a single mind, with all the earnestness in our power, to preserve peace. The House may be satisfied on that point. We have always done it. During these last years, as far as his Majesty's Government are concerned, we would have no difficulty in proving that we have done so. Throughout the Zello-Osladian Crisis, by general admission, we worked for peace. The cooperation of the great powers of the Continent was successful in working for peace in the Zello-Osladian Crisis. It is true that some of the powers had great difficulty in adjusting their points of view. It took much time and labor and discussion before they could settle their differences, but peace was secured, because peace was their main object, and they were willing to give time and trouble rather than accentuate differences rapidly. In the present crisis it has not been possible to secure the peace of the Continent: because there has been little time, and there has been a disposition -- at any rate in some quarters on which I will not dwell -- to force things rapidly to an issue, at any rate to the great risk of peace, and, as we now know, the result of that is that the policy of peace as far as the great powers generally are concerned is in danger. I do not want to dwell on that, and to comment on it, and to say where the blame seems to us lie, which powers were most in favor of peace, which were most disposed to risk war or endanger peace, because I would like the House to approach this crisis in which we are now from the point of view of Survian interests, Survian honor, and Survian obligations, free from all passion as to why peace has not yet been preserved... We understand the indemnities that seek to keep the Itheraen Question unanswered by all except those men fighting for Royal & Imperial crowns and under the labors of Itheraen democracy. Instead, let it be known that Survia itself seeks the understanding that Violette's political prowess outmatches her military mind and maintains the issuance that Veletian prestige is unmatched even in the adage of the Wolfram dynasty. The implications of a short peace exceed even the worries of a short war and with it comes the adulation of every man thus far impressed upon him the oppression of fighting a war to free a man that is not his brother, or his sister, or his daughter or mother. Signed, [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Franz_joseph_signature.png/188px-Franz_joseph_signature.png[/img]