[b][u]Monday, August 14th 2017, 10:29 AM[/u][/b] Aiko didn't take it personally that the younger girl didn't take her hand for a handshake. The girl seemed traumatized by something or another. But luckily the redhead was seemingly kind enough and in quick thinker. He tossed his helmet and sword away as well as dispelled his magnificent armor. After which the redhead, now known to be named Hercules, sat cross-legged on the ground with a goofy smile on his face. Aiko wanted to give him an 'are you serious?' expression but wanted to keep up the friendly vibe. Finally the two younger classmates both spoke, both seemingly shy compared to the upperclassmen. Being a natural leader in her fight form, Aiko spoke up once more. "Like I said, there's no need to be shy or afraid. No one can hurt you when I'm around. I'm sure Hercules over there feels the same." She turned her head to smile at the redhead. A small metaphorical clock in the back of her mind was going off, telling her they need to get back to class, like now. "Hasumi, Hercules, Aiko and... shoot, I've got to catch your name before we go our separate ways, which we should now because our time to run is almost up. Time will continue moving and we don't want them to catch us out here. I can explain everything after school if you guys would like to meet me here." Aiko seemingly friendly enough, gave a sweet smile. It had been a real long while since she felt any comradery. Not since all her comrades before disappeared in one way or another... She started to zone out as her mind thought of her late friend Daitaro. The sophomore swore to herself then that she wouldn't allow a single thing to happen to a new friends after all, they were friends now... right?