[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/28577c336232aad3fb697adc8afb5c1a/tumblr_inline_miycemBe1B1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Outside the Museum [/center][hr][hr] Nora stared at the cat for a moment, wondering once again whether this could really be chalked up to pure coincidence. However, once she heard a voice call out a name, a name that she assumed to be the cat's, Nora felt a bit of relief. The cat had just been heading back to its own home. It clearly lived here at the museum. This wasn't another supernatural force that was beyond understanding, such as the one that had branded her the night before. It was just chance. [color=#00ccff]"Miss Kingston, here to have lunch with Lady Munn,"[/color] Nora introduced herself, after Mosi had already done her own line of introduction. It was a bit of a relief that the woman wouldn't be following them around for too much longer. Nora felt that these happenings were best not disclosed to the general public. Neema and other experts, of course, were obviously qualified to understand these stirrings. She doubted that an American would be in any such way. Mr. Drake's behavior only served to cement that in her mind. Though if Nora was to be particularly honest, her distaste with Americans stemmed from a distaste for her sister-in-law. And perhaps if she were to do some real soul searching, she didn't dislike Fannie for the reasons she claimed--that she was loud, uncouth, and bossy. No, she disliked her sister-in-law because she had taken Nora's favorite brother from her. Her second favorite brother had been killed in the war as well, leaving her with relatively few family members whose company Nora actually enjoyed.