[@ShadowVentus] Welcome back! Hopefully we can keep this rolling! Well, as far as Morgan goes, if there were any questions she had she can ask them, but if not we can go ahead and jump back to the guild hall. As far as books goes, it sounds like she is rping on another site and enjoying it more... and hasn't been back sense saying that. So to me it seems like I got Co-gm when she started losing interest on her own arc and she left to go do whatever on another site. So with that I guess I can declare this RP open for new people and while we wait you can PM me about your arc and I can help you with it while we RP it as well. Now I just need to find out how to (if I can) edit the title to get more people or I can make an interest check. If she doesn't come back at all I may make a new RP with this one linked so people can read it so that I have full GM status. ha, It would be the first time I ever really GMed though... should be interesting.