[@Pundii][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@FantasyChic] That post has hit day 5. You need this done within the next two days. Please get those relations/clue sheets updated! And remember, if you solve either case, you get a nifty award! Witch Cat, we are also still waiting on you to fix Daniyal's CS to match the format used for characters ripped from their timestreams. Take a look at Cecily's sheet for an example of how it should look. [quote=@Morose] Quick announcements, folks! [@Pundii][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@FantasyChic]: We are nearing the end of chapter two. You have all of the information you need, or close to it, to solve the two cases presented in the clue sheet. Because of this, I am requiring a clue/relation sheet update before this post hits day eight. NPC characters do not need clue sheets. Only full characters do. No need to discuss relations with each other, since you'll have a good idea by now of how your characters currently feel/interact with each other. There are prizes available for solving chapter two correctly. Since there are two cases, you can win up to two prizes. The prizes up for grabs are temporary plot armors. Think of them like a shield--let me know which character is using it and when they roll a death, I'll ignore the death and they will be spared. The plot armor will then be "used up" and no longer available. The first case requires a correct answer to this question:[i][b] who is Mephistopheles working for?[/b][/i] The second case requires a correct answer to this question: [b][i]Who/what created the wardrobe? What is it actually?[/i][/b] If you think you have an idea/solution for either of the cases - doesn't have to be both - please send me a PM! The sooner that's done, the sooner we can move onto chapter three. ^_~[/quote]