JED awoke at 8:30 AM, his system slowly booting online as his battery finished recharging. He automatically powered himself on after reaching a full battery, a vain attempt to compensate for his short battery life. Of course, having to spend a majority of the day offline was by no means efficient, but what could he do about it? Instead, JED stressed over the growing crowds that almost constantly surrounded the apartment building. They had always been a problem, but they were rapidly growing as the number of mutants in their ranks increased. JED respected their right to peacefully assemble, but they made it somewhat difficult to leave the apartment. In fact, most of the time, JED had to sneak his lumbering body through the emergency exit, doing his best to hide his monstrous body. JED didn't enjoy their hatred - well, to be more specific, he didn't enjoy their hatred towards his actions. JED was perfectly fine with their anger towards him - it was unjustified, but they were entitled to their opinions. They couldn't do anything to hurt him because of his durability, and their words could be ignored. But they were also the people that hated everything he did - every time JED tried to work at the soup kitchen, he was rejected because the homeless wouldn't take pity from a monster. They wouldn't allow him to assist with construction or any other charity work, refusing to be helped. Thanks to that, JED was forced to spend most of his time cleaning the apartment building or doing menial chores. Slowly, the robot realized it had not turned on it's sensors, and slowly, the world came into view. The boiler was humming gently, and the breaker was directly to Jed's left. The outlet, the only one in the room, was completely empty. The room itself was barren, devoid of any customization or personalization - it was your typical boiler room, made of metal and concrete. This was his room. Considering he was a robot and didn't need the comforts that humans need, JED offered to stay in the boiler room, a relatively large area that had space that would, otherwise, go to waste. This was fine by the other occupants. especially since he was out of sight. Slowly, the crystalline legs shapeshifted, pushing JED upwards into a standing position. He then began to walk at a slow, almost laughable pace, gently manipulating his arms in order to open the door - a task that requires the utmost precision. Finally, JED managed to accomplish this feat, and he slowly, with extreme care, maneuvered his body out of the small door frame without breaking anything. JED looked around - Timothy's area was, as always, heavily locked, and the washing area had no activity. Storage was locked behind a closed door, and JED had never had a reason to go inside - he didn't own a single possession, so he had no reason to. The elevator was another place that JED had never entered - he alone exceeded the weight limit, leaving him to use the stairs. Behind him, the emergency exit, the one he entered in order to escape to the outside world, was closed with a neon exit sign a few inches above it. Most humans would find it completely depressing, but JED had grown fond of the area over the last 7 months. The slow pace eventually got JED to the stairs, which he slowly began to ascend. Upon making it to the top, JED peaked around the corner, looking at the crowd gathering outside the gate. It was large, consisting of at least 2 dozen people, all of whom held signs in their hands. They started to yell insults, and emerging from the crowd soaked, was Garfield. When the two were introduced, JED was sure to keep his distance - if he exploded, some people nearby may get very injured. He entered through the gate, and JED opened the door for him, and Garfield quickly made his way to the lounge. Just then, the announcement sounded throughout the entire building. [color=Silver]"Will all Rogue X members please come down to the lounge. You have fifteen minutes to get ready. I repeat. All Rogue X members please come down to the lounge. You have fifteen minutes to get ready."[/color] Glad that he had something to do, JED began to follow Garfield into the lounge, positioning himself into a corner. He didn't feel discomfort from standing and the chairs would not be able to hold his weight, so JED simply stood constantly when he wasn't charging. Chibi was one of the first to arrive, followed by Serenity and the others. Overall, JED liked the team a great deal - they were the closest thing he had to a family, and humans were supposed to be very connected with their families. JED greeted them as they arrived waving his jagged, sharp arm.