[@Dynamo Frokane], I am not sure what it is you are asking of me. If you are asking me how I [i]feel[/i] about the video, then the best way to describe it would be that I do not feel as though my ethos is affronted or some how in danger. I still believe in equal opportunity, the mindset of being "color blind", prioritizing Americans first, and the so mocked "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", as well as any other element of my mantra I have displayed here and beyond into reality. I am not allegiant to anything beyond that. I do not belong to the Right, "Alt-Right", or Alt-Right, but I have been pushed far into that realm rather than my true place just right of center because the Left has gone so far in the opposite direction; the system of measurement has changed, not my actual position. Charles Barkley is not just some convenient in to use as "proof I am not racist". I see no issue with anything the man said in this video and now he has come under attack by the same people who have attacked me because I do not believe in the United States being unequal or anyone having the nebulous "privilege" that is talked about.