[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sacxI58.png[/img][/center] She matched Mason's flirtatious smile. [color=D67C0B]"I'd love that."[/color] She was still flirting, but she was very serious. It sounded like an amazing experience, and she was definitely going to take him up on that at some point. She stared when Torok walked away from them, both shocked and elated to have witnessed that. [color=D67C0B]"Did he... did he just call us innocent? Did that really happen?"[/color] She snorted a laugh, simply delighted that she already had a good story to tell her friends. [color=D67C0B]"That kid's been in my class for like, two years, but I think that's the first time I've heard him talk. I'm so upset, have I been missing gems like that this whole time?"[/color] She laughed again at Mason's intimation of him. [color=D67C0B]"At least it should be pretty entertaining, if he goes off on dramatic tandems like that all the time."[/color] She rolled her eyes. [color=D67C0B]"I swear, some kids here are so edgy. If it's not some dark, mysterious past, it's some thirteen year old who thinks they're so cool for drinking blood."[/color] She chose not to mention that she had been that kid, all high and mighty because she could do magic. Her natural ability had done nothing to help her over-inflated ego, which had taken a few years to grow out of. In her experience, though, most Leoh were like that. It was hard not to develop a superiority complex when you were surrounded by fiction that told you you were special for having supernatural abilities. Luckily her older sister had told her to get over it. She glanced at the kid whom Mason invited to join their conversation, and rolled her eyes when he completely ignored them, not that she expected much different. The kid gave off an anti-social vibe. [color=D67C0B]"I think I'm going to go to my cabin and get stuff set up. Want to come, Emilia?"[/color] She asked, trying to be a good inviting roommate. [@tenma tendo] [@tybalt capulet] [@reusablesword] [@collectorofmyst]