[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/S1U8hza.png[/img] [h3]M I C H A E L S A I N T E D W A R D S[/h3][/center] [B]| N A M E |[/B] [indent][INDENT]Michael St.Edwards[/INDENT][/indent] [B]| A G E |[/B] [indent][INDENT]36[/INDENT][/indent] [B]| D U T Y |[/B] [indent][INDENT]Teacher, Military Contact, Power Trip instructor.[/INDENT][/indent] [B]| A B I L I T Y |[/B] [indent][INDENT]Invulnerability; Michael cannot sustain injury, and thusly, he cannot die. His bones will not break, his skin will not bleed and his hair will not burn. By every limit that has been tested, Michael is impervious to being hurt. But, while he is unable to being hurt, his offensive capabilities are all human. If he needs to fight, he relies on technique and weapons. [/INDENT][/indent] [B]| I N F O |[/B] [indent][INDENT]Former Army Ranger, turned CIA Spook. Discovered he was a Advanced Human when he was in his 20's while deployed at [b]REDACTED[/b] for Operation [b]REDACTED[/b]. Michael is a man with his ear to the intelligence community, responsible for Campus security and helping Adrian keep the Military at ease about the potentially [i]Literal[/i] Nuclear weapons that are kept in the school grounds. Adrian is a bit of a cold guy, but he's got a heart of gold, who despite what many may think sees the students not as weapons, but as real people. He teaches P.E, History and Social Science. He's also often putting himself on the line as a Target Dummy when it comes to letting the students loose in the Power Trip.[/INDENT][/indent]