[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [color=pink][h3]Mamoru Akasha[/h3][/color][/center] Mamoru went inside the cafeteria to look for Kaida, unaware of how quickly Luelle already found her. Once inside, the pink-haired shield fighter noticed that there was some sort of a commotion going on. Logic would dictate that this was a fight and, being the heroic sort, Mamoru rushed in to see what was going on. She had just missed a majority of the action so all she really got to see was some dude trash talking people from A1. She was confused to say the least, and slightly annoyed. Had these people been watching them fight or something? What gave them the right to talk all this smack? Fortunately for everyone involved, Mamoru didn’t involve herself as she just got a text from Luelle. Apparently she found Kaida and they’re at the teacher’s office right now. Mamoru weighed the idea of going to see her new friends or jumping into this brawl, but ultimately the more logical and safe things won out. But she made a mental note to say something to these A2 guys later on. She didn’t know what their deal was, but she didn’t like the idea of people not liking them. Mamoru texted Luelle back and headed for the teacher’s offices. [quote=Mamoru Akasha] [color=pink]Sure, on my way. It looked like there was some sort of fight down in the cafeteria. Do you think that Kaida knows what’s up with that?[/color] [/quote] Sending her text, Mamoru certainly didn’t think that Kaida started a fight or anything. She simply wondered if maybe the girl might’ve heard something, and if her clothes were damaged, maybe she got caught up in a nasty prank. And if those A2 guys had anything to do with it, there’d be hell to pay! Mamoru was almost certain that Luelle and Kaida were part of her class, and Mamoru wasn’t going to let anyone get away with picking on her friends. [@Luna] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] Donny’s third mistake was freezing up. Everything happened to fast that his first instinct, instead of doing anything remotely heroic or important, was just to stand there and watch in abject horror. He didn’t know how to deal with all of this. When the students started clearing out into a huge fight circle, Donny, Kenichi, and Ezra were left to face off against some of the A2 kids. [color=firebrick][i]”Shit. Barely past noon and I’m already butting heads with a rival class.”[/i][/color] Everyone else seemed much more on point than Donny was, and the best he could do was keep a straight face as everything was going on. In his mind, Donny was in complete panic though. All he could think about was how to get out of here and what he might have to do if things get out of hand even more than it was now. As per usual, the idea of just eating everyone came up a lot. He started weighing his options, sizing everyone up, figuring out who might be the biggest threat so he could eat them first. All of course while poorly maintaining his disguise, which will no doubt he damaged enough that he’d just have to show his true form and really eat everyone, friend and foe, just to hide his identity. It got worse when the A2 class president started talking to Kenichi about stuff A1 did. How did she know all of this? Though Donny was more worried about that kid who got hurt. He could easily imagine how she’d try and blackmail them for what Ezra did. It seemed like something she’d do. [color=firebrick]”S-S-S-Shit, Kenichi, d-d-dude, we gotta g-get outta here…”[/color] [@Zeroth] [hr] Seeing their friend get nicked by a table suddenly changed the mood of everyone in A2. Before they seemed to just be putting on airs and standing their own ground. But now things were much different. It was heavier, hostile even. Things had escalated to the point that violence was a very real possibility. Only one person seemed relatively calm, and even that was more in a cold, calculated fashion rather than trying to prevent things from getting out of hand. The Class President, always the schemer, was also angry. First she addressed Kenichi. [color=a187be]”Main character huh? You at least seem more well-read than the rest of the rabble in your class. Yes, I’m aware of the challenge system. I was about to suggest it myself, though the only real question is if anyone in A1 would really want to accept a challenge from us, or even want to do things by the book in the first place.”[/color] The girl then glanced over to Jett and Mina as they carried away one of her fellow students. She looked towards the tall purple-haired girl and the pink-haired one wordlessly, and they also left. [color=a187be]”Honestly… Accusing one of us just because we smiled? That’s some great detective work right there. But I shouldn’t expect less from someone like him, or the rest of your class. It doesn’t take a genius to already seem that A1 is full of troublemakers. Three students who missed first class, two who got into a fight before getting to school, one who broke two windows, including one of our own. Now on top of that, one of your students recklessly endangering others and injuring a student, and now another loudmouth who’s trying to slander my class.”[/color] The girl started walking towards Kenichi. The pale kid tried to go with her but with a raised hand she stopped him and told him to stay back. Her smile was gone. [color=a187be]”Even more could’ve been hurt too if he didn’t go into harm’s way to save other students too. He was just minding his own business, but in that moment he was more a hero than your whole class combined and paid the price for it. But I predict that after all is said and done, you all get away with a slap on the wrist and a warning, if even that, and still walk around with your nose in the air. And because of Frenchman Junior, I’m sure he’ll go to the teachers and claim how we had somehow provoked an attack on his class over some tables. Tables which by the way we already got for ourselves elsewhere. Because that’s justice, isn’t it?”[/color] Meanwhile the kid who got hit was just quietly moaning to himself. His leg stung, yet at the same time felt numb, probably just from his body trying to dull the pain. He wondered if the pain would stop if he just chopped his leg off, though considering that nearly did happen he stopped thinking about it and just pressed the jacket into his leg. He was bleeding so much that he was starting to feel rather lightheaded, and seriously wondered if he was going to die from a wound like this. He vaguely heard Jett talking over his own groaning. [color=fff200]”Dude… Why would they want to fight? That shit’s stupid. Stuff like this happens when you fight.”[/color] Looking down at her hands, the kid could see the blood speeding through his jacket. He started to breath rather quickly as his heart raced and wondered if this was going to be the end for him. [color=fff200]”Shit shit shit… Ah, that doesn’t look good. Heh. At least it wasn’t to the knee.”[/color] The kid tried to make jokes too, though his mind was a bit too out of it to make a good one. [color=fff200]”Ah shit, I really hope those guys don’t do anything stupid. This is bad, I just know they’re going to start something now. S-shit...”[/color] And then the kid passed out. [@Silver Carrot][@Aerandir][@Zeroth]