[@Skepic] I'm a southern guy too. Birmingham, Alabama for most of my life. Born in Georgia and lived in Florida for 5 years as well. I can't agree more than the Southern pride shit is kinda weird and while I enjoy some of the oldie music it's made, I can't agree with its platform. In fact me living in the south has led me to be annoyed with it somewhat in a lot of ways. Like the fact I can't date a woman with a southern accent because I've become so annoyed with hearing it throughout school lmao. But I don't think neo-confederates or white supremacists are the same thing as the Confederacy of the 1860's. Would you be ok with keeping up ir tearing down the statue of a man who freed his slaves, thought african americans should get a good education, and would petition for the slaves to be freed in general once the war was over? That's mah boi Robert E. Lee, someone who I really respect, tbh. I dislike the South a lot nowadays, but there were good and bad men across the Confederacy and the Union, and I just really hate the demonization of the Confederacy. There's a reason why not many people were hung or punished, like you stated. It's because the Union didn't think they were bad people.