Raiya could feel her limbs returning to normal functionality. She shifted her weight to roll out of Nemo's grasp, landing on her feet with less grace than she would have had normally. She stood up and took inventory of herself, looking down at her outfit. Her jacket was gone, probably ripped off of her body by the rushing water. Luckily for her, though, her jacket was enchanted to fall back into her mana inventory if it got too far away from her. Raiya reached out to retrieve her jacket from her mana inventory, the wet mess of a jacket falling into her hand that she had reached out. She spread the jacket and examined the damage. The jacket was still wet and soaked in salt water. Raiya let out a sigh of irritation. Raiya knew once the jacket dried it would be stiff and crusted from the salt, which meant that her jacket was as good as ruined if it wasn't treated as soon as possible. She took a mental note to enchant her next jacket with a barrier enchantment. She dropped the jacket back into her inventory. Unfortunately enough for Raiya, that wasn't the only thing ruined about her outfit. Her hoodie was completely missing, one of her tanktop straps was ripped in half which left her top revealing a little bit more cleavage than normal. Her jeans were even more torn than normal, with a giant gash of a hole down the right side of the jeans that went from just below the underwear line to just above where the boot shafts stopped. Her boots [i]were[/i] enchanted which made them impervious to water damage and heat damage up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The boots were great for dredging through marshlands or slightly volcanic areas but not so good for speed of movement or athletic flexibility. Raiya let out a large irritated sigh, [color=ec008c]"Yeah, I can walk on my own, but not in this outfit."[/color] She replied. Her hair was also a bit of a mess. Instead of being orderly spiky in the front, the hair was spiky in some areas but flat in areas where it wasn't normally which basically gave the effect of bedhead. Her hair normally seemed as though it was short, and normally the spikiness in bangs and on the top of the head looked a bit like an extreme tomboy cut. However, her hair did have quite some length, the hair in the back trailed down to her neck where it was tied in a pony tail and further trailed down to just below the mid section of her back. Now that her jacket and hoodie were gone, her actual hair was now in full display to everyone. Normally the length of her hair was tucked underneath her jacket and hoodie. Raiya thought about what she would do with her wardrobe malfunction. She remembered she had an extra fishnet shirt and a tank top in her mana inventory. However, she did not have an extra jacket, hoodie, or pair of pants with her. She extended her right arm and flicked her wrist, in an instant her tattered long sleeved fishnet shirt and her tank top were replaced on her body with a pristine set of replacements. It would look to the naked eye like she repaired the ones she was wearing, but the pink electricity flash of her mana inventory magic would tip off a trained eye that she merely replaced them. As for her jeans, she charged her forefinger with mana and traced a straight line around the leg just above the gash. When she finished she snapped her fingers and the pant leg fell freely severed cleanly at the place where Raiya traced her finger. She did the same thing to the other pant leg, creating a makeshift set of hotpants/booty shorts. Raiya put her finger up to her lips as if in thought, and then traced her finger around two inches from the bottom of her new tank top and snapped her fingers. A new cut was formed around the bottom of her tank top, revealing her fishnetted midriff up to her navel. Raiya stretched her arms above her head, [color=ec008c]"That ought to work for now,"[/color] Raiya stated satisfied with her handiwork, [color=ec008c]"and it looks like my mana is recharging pretty quickly too. I should be completely back to normal in an hour or so."[/color] Raiya finished.