Vera's eyes fluttered open, the large amber orbs meeting the light that streamed in through her room window. She always liked waking up to the Sun, for it gave her the bright mood she would always start her day with, and for a moment, it felt like home. That was of course, until she sat up and looked around. [i]Oh dear, what a mess...[/i] That reminded her - she had yet to unpack and sort her stuff out. What a night it had been, and it was all coming back to her - the trials she had gone through as well as the people she had met during the 'Night Run'. Admittedly, it was the most fun she had had in a long time. It was hard to believe, but they actually won! What were the chances of that? Or rather, it was Silas who officially won. Right, she had a dorm mate now. Hopefully he knew a thing or two about keeping the place clean, since she never had to do any of it herself before. Perhaps some kid would be willing to do it for them on a regular basis for a pretty penny? It would have to be someone she did not quite know, though. She could not do that to someone like Silas. He was a friend, and friends should not be paid to do stuff. Friends deserve treats. That would have to wait, though, for there was still much to settle after class... A wave of panic swept through Vera. [i]Class![/i] What time was it? She immediately reached for her watch and took a look at it to find that she was late. Scrambling off the bed and bolting out of her room, she wondered if her dorm mate had slept in as well. "Silas? You still here, love?" She called across to the other room. That was when a slip of paper right by the main door caught her attention. She went over to pick it up, and what was written on it provided her with much needed relief. [i]After lunchtime, huh?[/i] It would be good to use the time to read up on her element at the library. For now, she could take her time to wash up and get ready for the day. [@CriticalHit] [hr] The walk to the standalone building for fire elementalist training was long, but Xavier always found it calming. It was almost like the calm before the storm, for unbelievable chaos and craziness could ensue upon stepping foot into the building itself. It was clearly located further away from the rest of the school for practical reasons - accidents involving the destructive element were probably the worst kind. However, this isolation also gave a sense of exclusiveness for the fire students. Of course, those present at the building were still in harm's way. That was what instructors like him were there for, to ensure students did not hurt themselves or others, as well as to answer any questions they might have relating to the element. It was obvious that the first-years would require most attention, especially this early in the year. None of them seem to be there yet, though. He had been informed that students would be starting training in the afternoon. He took a glance at his watch, before heading around the back. [i]Guess there's still time for a smoke before they start coming in...[/i]