[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9p8PICb.png[/img][/center] [i]Bzzt.[/i] [i]Bzzt.[/i] [i]Bzzt.[/i] She'd heard the buzzing. Many times, in fact, since she had gotten up from the floor of the collapsed penthouse. Up until now she'd been tuning it out- there were bigger fish to fry, but now there was a moment of relative calm and Emma let herself focus on her vibrating pocket. Emma already knew who it was- the only person it could be, the only person that she wanted to keep in touch with that also cared enough to keep in touch with her. A bitter thought- not the contact she wanted, but the only one she could get. Emma reluctantly stopped digging. The tulpas were probably doing a much better job of it anyways. She reached into her back pocket, hands closing around her phone, pulling it out in front of her... the screen was shattered, but the phone still worked. A small stroke of luck on a distinctly unlucky day, a day that she just wanted to [i]end[/i]. If she really wanted it to be over she could just leave, couldn't she? But no, that wasn't an option. She flicked her phone, unlocking it, eyes going up and down her phone screen. [hider=Missed Calls (7)] [color=f7976a][i]Em, what the fuck is happening? I saw the news, are you okay? Em Em Em Emma Dude, fucking text back Emma EMMA You better not be fucking fighting those things Where are you I need to know you've alive, FUCKING RESPOND[/i][/color] She hesitated for a long moment before replying. [i][color=8A3DFF]I'm fine. I'll get back to you when I can.[/color][/i] [/hider] Emma sighed, silencing her phone, returning it to its spot in her pocket. Back to digging it was.