[hider=Jo Tiller] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170825/99ac7b5f165e64cde45fb8aa4e06cd82.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/64971283715d1e0ffae1ecfae7852075/tumblr_ov3n2pNCiy1qee9ito1_500.gif[/img] [sub]{[color=#CB1B49]"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."[/color]} — Ralph Waldo Emerson[/sub] [hr][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170825/7192a3c43d74c9d63d1d50490d4caf5c.png[/img][/center] [color=#CB1B49]NAME:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Josephine Tiller[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]AGE (13-17):[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Seventeen[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]DATE OF BIRTH:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]June 6th, 2000[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]APPEARANCE:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Josephine is a slender black woman, standing at five feet seven inches tall and weighing in at a little over one-hundred thirty pounds. Her soft-curled, shoulder length hair is dense but yielding, and thick enough to lose your fingers in. There's a certain elegance in the way that Jo holds herself: a good posture, long confident strides and a head held high. She often looks taller than her height of 5"7 considering that she's usually wearing heels when she has the chance. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, the brown of the iris so dark that it almost appears to be black. Her eyes are fringed with long, thick lashes. She has a short, delicate nose and perfectly arched, dark eyebrows. Her face is heart-shaped; she has high cheekbones and a pointed chin. Her lips are full and always covered with a clear lip gloss. When smiling, you can see that she has two rows of perfectly white teeth, a slight overbite present. Jo typically spends about thirty minutes to an hour every morning applying a face full of makeup, but does not plan on wearing as much while at the camp.[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]RACE:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Werewolf[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]SEXUALITY:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Pansexual[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]FAMILY MEMBERS:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i] [url=http://cdn2.darkhorizons.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/mahershala-ali-in-talks-for-triple-frontier-696x464.jpg]Montell Tiller Sr.[/url] — Father (Deceased) — Human [url=http://www.tvequals.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/The-Fosters-Justify-the-Means-Season-2-Episode-19-06.jpg]Amelia Brown-Tiller[/url] — Mother — Human [url=http://www.interviewmagazine.com/files/2016/10/26/img-trevante-rhodes-_121439341162.jpg]Montell Tiller Jr.[/url] — Elder brother — Human [url=https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/58a4cc0ba6fb29f80aee23b9/master/pass/t-ashton-sanders-moonlight.jpg]Jamal Tiller[/url] — Elder brother — Human [/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]HISTORY:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i] Josephine was born in a small village in Kingston, Jamaica, the third and final child of Amelia and Montell Tiller. The small family moved to the US when Jo was three years old, and she has resided there ever since. Due to her father being in the army, Jo was used to moving around a bit; she's been to 13 different states in her brief 17 years of life. The family finally stopped moving, however, when Jo was thirteen; her father had been killed. As a result, her mother moved them all to Washington and continued to raise her children alone, Jo was fourteen when she had her first transformation. She woke up named in the woods the morning after a full moon. When she got home, news of a wolf attack was all over the media; apparently, a wolf had attacked a group of campers during their bonfire. Luckily, no one was hurt. Ever since that night, Jo has made sure to take extra precaution when transforming during a full moon: she makes sure that the part of the woods she's in is empty, she keeps food lying around for the wolf to find, and makes excuses to leave the house so that her family won't suspect anything. In the past three years she has met two others like her. They've taught her a bit to keep her from harming herself and others, but she still has a lot more to learn, which is why she is attending the camp. Her mom believes that she is going to basketball camp instead. [/i][/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170826/9ad8ab758acc7c909a4e526b3126afa1.png[/img][/center] [color=#CB1B49]PERSONALITY:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Tends to keep to herself, though is not timid. Is extremely observant and meticulous. Can sometimes be sarcastic and cold towards others. Is extremely dependable; If you ask her to meet you somewhere, she will be there; if she promises to do something, she will do it; if you ask her for help, she will do everything in her power to assist. Underneath the frustrated sighs and eye-rolls lies a person who's kind and caring at the core.[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]POWERS:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i] Full Moon: Werewolves are at their physical peak during a full moon (or 50+% of moon sometimes). Werewolves usually shift at night, though they are able to shift anytime. It is worth noting that Werewolves don't shapeshift unwillingly, they shift at will and can even decide to not shift at all. However, when the full moon is risen, they can't control when they shift. Superhuman Strength: Werewolves possess strength beyond that of both Humans and wolves. Superhuman Speed: Werewolves possess speed beyond that of Humans. Their common speed in human form is at a 20-30 mph range. In wolf form, it is believed that they can reach speeds up to 60 mph. Healing Factor: Werewolves heal very fast from wounds and are sometimes able to regrow severed body parts. They are immune to most illness and ailments, although, silver and wolfsbane slow down the healing process and are known to burn the outer skin, creating rashes that last for weeks. However, if wolfsbane is injected into a werewolf's system, it may have fatal consequences. Superhuman Endurance: Werewolves can sometimes withstand a superhuman strike without any lasting effect or injury. They recover from such attacks almost instantly. The density of their body is strong enough to dent steel and rip a subway car door from its steel hindges without any ailment to the Werewolf. Superhuman Senses: Werewolves possess heightened senses of sight, smell, and hearing inherent in all wolves. Night Vision: Werewolves can see in total darkness, however, they can only see outlines of objects around them and some minor details. Superhuman Agility: Werewolves possess agility beyond that of Humans and wolves. They are normally flexible, and are able to move with great canine grace. [/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]HOBBIES:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Josephine likes to spend most of her time reading novels and writing some of her own as well. She's also a strong athlete, thanks to her abilities, and enjoys playing basketball, softball, and tennis. She also spends a considerable amount of her time playing video games.[/i][/color] [color=#CB1B49]ANYTHING ELSE WORTH MENTIONING:[/color] [color=#FEF0F0][i]Has a small tattoo of a moon on her arm; Some wolves bear a tattoo of the moon somewhere on their body (many choose the underside of the forearm). This tattoo is almost always of their Phase of the moon, and serves as a form of identification, and often a proud marking to those in the know.[/i][/color] [/hider]